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  1. Ivar

    Best tips for playing with your cat?

    Hello guys, I'm sorry if this is going to be like I'm asking for too much. I had had my cats for a while and we do play often and on. Unfortunately, I think our playing tricks is now boring because we have been doing the same thing over and over again for a long time. I need new playing tips...
  2. Ivar

    How often do you play with your cat?

    Playing with your cats is one of the best ways to bound with them. It can also be a way for them to exercise and keep fit all the time. It's like walking your dog but it's playing with your cat. A lot of people don't make out time to play with their cats which is wrong. Do you always ensure to...
  3. Ivar

    Does your cats enjoy fighting?

    A friend of mine was telling me yesterday about his cats weird behaviour. He owns 3 cats and they usually get into fights all the time. Whenever he separates them from fighting, they will start wailing for him to allow them to keep fighting. It's the they enjoy fighting. Have you had such...
  4. Ivar

    What do you do when your cat refuses to sleep?

    I don't think there's any way to force a cat to sleep when it doesn't want to. My friend is having a serious challenge with his cat right now all efforts to get his cat sleep proves abortive. I told him to take the cat and see his vet for him to know exactly what's wrong. Before he goes to the...
  5. Ivar

    Funniest way your cat play with you?

    Cats can be very playing too and they seek attention as well. There's this conception about cats wanting to have their space which is true but it's not all the time. The funniest way my cat play with me is by pulling my face to run his nose on mine. He enjoys doing that so much. What's the...
  6. Ivar

    How many languages do you speak?

    Do you speak more than one language? I know at least 3 different languages which I'm very good at. They are French, Spanish and Chinese Mandarin language. I won't count English because it's my mother's tongue. Do you know how to speak how many languages? Where and when did you learn them?
  7. Ivar

    What makes you feel restless?

    Hot weather is such a pain for me. I can't think of anything which makes me to become very restless all day when the weather is very hot. There is no where in my house that's going to be conducive for me to stay. I dispise hot weather like a plague. What makes you feel very restless?
  8. Ivar

    Are your cats obsessed with food?

    The only thing which my 3 cats do I haven't been able to find a way to tame them of it is how they behave when they are around food. Once they see their food, they will turn into little monsters as they eat. They don't have eating manners in any way, they won't cool down to eat and they're never...
  9. Ivar

    A male cat that never gets along with any female cats?

    What would make a male cat to never be comfortable getting along with any other female cats? My friend complained to about his male cat that never gets along with any of his female cats or any other female cats in the neighbourhood. His male cat was neutered, maybe that's why he's always...
  10. Ivar

    Have you been scammed?

    What have been your experience when it comes to scammers of any sort? There are online scammers and offline scammers. All of them are linked into one investment or another but they are all set up to deceive people into investing their money wrongly for the investment company to disappear. Do...
  11. Ivar

    Refusing to come out from the carton

    One of my cats started acting weird since yesterday. He went into one of my big carton boxes and have refused to come out ever since. When he's hungry, he will come out to eat and after go right back in the box. What sort of behaviour is he displaying?
  12. Ivar

    My cat fighting his own tail 😂

    I couldn't stop laughing last night when my cat started one of his drama acts. He was just laying down on the floor and all of a sudden, he started fighting his own tail. I couldn't stop laughing. When he realised what he was doing, he just zoned out. It was a very funny night for me.
  13. Ivar

    A cat eating a snake alive 🤯!

    I just watched a video on Facebook where a cat was eating a snake alive. I know cats usually fight and kills snakes but I haven't seen them eating it. This is another YouTube video I watched where a cat was enjoying his snake meat. Have you ever seen a cat...
  14. Ivar

    Why does my cat keep meowing at night?

    I know that meowing is a way cats communicate with their owners. It's probably when they need attention or hungry or want you to pet them. I do my best to take very good care of my cats by providing them with the best food, toys to play, comfortable home, bed, litter tray etc. But one of my cats...
  15. Ivar

    Is your cat comfortable in a sweater?

    Not all cats are comfortable wearing sweaters or clothes. If your cats looks uncomfortable wearing either sweaters or clothes, you shouldn't try forcing it even if the weather is cold. It's very important to observe your cat's body language whenever you're trying to train them wearing sweaters...
  16. Ivar

    Is there any area in your home that are off limit to your cat?

    Pets can never be as careful as human beings. They are bound to make mistakes that are capable of putting them at risk of either getting injured or destroying a lot of things. My kitchen is the only place that's off limit to my cats whenever I'm at home. They can get hurt or eat what they are...
  17. Ivar

    Félis Salamandra (Wild Cat)

    I don't usually love wild cats but after getting in contact with Félis Salamandra, I fell in love with how beautiful the wild cat looks. What's your opinion on wild cats? Does Félis Salamandra looks good to you? Would you consider keeping any wild cat?
  18. Ivar

    What's your favorite snacks?

    It's PIZZA! PIZZA!! PIZZA!!! I'm not sure if I would eat any other snacks in the world the same way I eat pizza. My favourite place to get my pizza all the time is the one and only Domino's pizza. I have tasted what they offer at Pizza Hut, it's not on the same level with what I get from...
  19. Ivar

    Do you bath/shower how many times every day?

    I have heard some people say that they don't bath or shower everyday. I can't imagine how they would be able to live with themselves not taking their bath at least once in a day. I bath or shower at last 3 times in a depending on the mood and how hot the weather is set up for the day. I would...
  20. Ivar

    Telsa Self Driving Car?

    Would you be comfortable in a self driving car just like what Telsa have been working on getting it to work in our modern world? Me for once, I have serious trust issues and as a result of that, I can't trust the car in self driving mode not to kill me. It's a no for me with that kind of...