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  1. Stephen

    Does your cat get along with other pets you have?

    Yes, two of my cats are getting along with one of my dog and it's something that I don't even get to interfere for them to be very used to one another. This is because they have been together for a long time.
  2. Stephen

    The worst thing your cat has brought home to you as a gift?

    One of my cat caught a mice in my garden and brought the mice home without even killing it. I think he was using it as a play thing but I had to get rid of it because I couldn't allow that to stay in my house.
  3. Stephen

    Does your cat catch butterflies?

    As long as there are flowers around where you are living and your car usually comes out in those place where there are flowers, there is an increase chance of them having to catch butterflies when they are playing.
  4. Stephen

    Do you understand your cat’s body language?

    As a cat owner, you are supposed to be observant about everything that has to do with them because that is the only way you can be able to know when something is wrong with them so that you can act fast on it without having it become too bad.
  5. Stephen

    When my cat dreams

    Two of my cats are behaving the same way whenever they are sleeping. They are usually doing the tongue out pose whenever they are sleeping. It's so funny seeing them that way.
  6. Stephen

    How often does your kitty go to the litter box?

    My kittens go to the litter box whenever they have to. I always make sure they litter boxes are clean at all times. When they eat well, they use the box often.
  7. Stephen

    Ever thought about opening up your own rescue center?

    Yes, I have thought about opening up my own rescue center for cats and other animals but the only that's stopping me from doing that is money and time. If this two things are available for me, I would do this project immediately.
  8. Stephen

    Does your cat get restless when they are hungry?

    Exactly! It is even very wrong for you to allow your cats to be very hungry for a long time before you feed them which is the reason why I always have a timer on when to feed my cats especially when I am at home so that I don't end up allowing them to become hungry very long time.
  9. Stephen

    Do you have a cat shelter outside for stray cats?

    I am only living 30 minutes drive away from a shelter home, so what I normally do it to get any strays that I find within my neighborhood and take them straight to shelter home where they are likely going to get better treatment and a roof over their head.
  10. Stephen

    Do your cats make use of a cat flap?

    Yes of course, my cats usually love to make use of the cat flap whenever they want to go outside the house or come inside on their own. It is always very easy for them to use it instead of waiting for the door to be open for them to go out.
  11. Stephen

    Does your cat like your computer?

    My cats are very observant and whenever it comes to anything that have lights on the face of it, they are always captivated by the movement of the light. This is the reason why they are always fascinated by the screen of my laptop or computer.
  12. Stephen

    Do you like using dry cleaning services?

    I've been using their services every now and then when I'm not free to do my own laundry by myself. Work can get too busy sometimes I can't wash and iron my clothes.
  13. Stephen

    Do you play mobile games?

    What's my Playstation 5 for? No, I don't play mobile phone games because I have a better gaming platform to play on which is my Playstation 5.
  14. Stephen

    Do you have a favorite song at the moment?

    Good And Love by Travis Greene and Steffany Gretzinger is my favourite song at the moment. It's a worship song I love playing so much. I'm currently playing it at this moment because today is Sunday.
  15. Stephen

    Do you know who had an organ transplant?

    No, I don't know anyone who was an organ donor but those who do it have all my respect because it's not easy to do such favors to the human race by trying to save lives in any way possible. God bless all organ donors out there.
  16. Stephen

    Have you ever had to report someone for abandoning a cat?

    Personally, I wouldn't waste time to call in the authorities on someone who's not taking good care of their cats. If you're not capable of taking care of your pets, don't get them.
  17. Stephen

    Cats and mosquitoes

    I don't have mosquito infestation in my place. I've never seen them attack any of my cats, so it's nothing for me to worry about. Although, it's a common thing for most developing countries.
  18. Stephen

    Have you ever known other cats to use your catflap?

    The way my house built, it's fenced all round. It's not possible for any other cats to come in because the fence doesn't permit them to do so. I've never seen any cats in my compound.
  19. Stephen

    Do you feed feral cats?

    Unfortunately, I haven't adopted any feral cats because I don't have much space in my house to keep them. It's why I keep looking out for them when I can. I keep feeding them whenever I can.
  20. Stephen

    Which celebrity will you never follow?

    Why would or should I be worried about what goes on in the life of any celebrity? I don't care much about them but I love watching their shows. I don't follow any of them on any social media sites.