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  1. Sandex

    Having fish when you have cats.

    It is a very big mistake for you to have a fish tank at your home when you have cats as well. There are some cats that are very active when it comes to catching fishes on their own and if your cats are that type, there is no fish in that your tank that is going to be safe
  2. Sandex

    Thoughts on those who breed cats just to sell them?

    I don't think there is anything wrong with those who are into the business of breeding cats. I'm sure they have licence and permit to do this and they are probably taking care of those cats until those who would buy them purchases those cats from them.
  3. Sandex

    Does your cats like listening to music?

    Listening to music is one of the common activities that I do everyday because I have music playing in my house whenever I'm around on. I believe it is something that my cats have already gotten used to.
  4. Sandex

    Have you known your cats to eat fleas?

    I have seen my cat eats fleas once in a while and I know it's something that is not good for the digestive system. This is the reason why when I discover them doing that, I'll have to take them for grooming immediately so that those fleas will be taken care of.
  5. Sandex

    How do you make your payments?

    I have never made use of credit card for any kind of transaction because it is something that I haven't applied for. I know the challenges of making use of credit card and how difficult it is going to be when I get myself into debt simply because I am over spending in a way that I can be able to...
  6. Sandex

    Do you like movies or music more?

    I play music most of the time in passing, either when I am working or when I am sleeping. But when it comes to something that I enjoy doing while I am concentrated on doing it, that is going to be watching movies or TV series.
  7. Sandex

    Have you had a hamster as a pet?

    Having a hamster as a pet is something I would never bring myself to do. Even though I don't have anything against them or anyone who keeps them, they don't appeal to me in any way. This is why I've removed myself from the equation of keeping them as a pet.
  8. Sandex

    What If Animals Could Talk? Imagining a World Where We Can Communicate with All Animals

    Animals can actually talk, it's just we cannot understand their language. They have their own means of communication with their fellow animals. I wish I know cat language, I will talk with my cats all-day long. We will have so much to talk about.
  9. Sandex

    Does your cat tend to hunt?

    My cats used to come out and hunt whenever they are hungry. It's part of the signs that I always used to know when I am supposed to feed them because they will always be looking for things to hunt and kill and even possibly eat them if it is something they can consume.
  10. Sandex

    Have your cat killed a snake?

    My cats have never had any encounter with snakes because I don't think we have any snakes in a our environment. We usually have drugs that always chases snakes away spread around our yard so that we can prevent snakes from entering our home.
  11. Sandex

    Are you someone who believes black cats are unlucky?

    I'm not too superstitious in life, so I don't believe in the crap that black cats are unlucky. Even human beings are unlucky in some things they do, why would anyone link a cat to being unlucky because of their fur colour.
  12. Sandex

    Are you more of a tea or coffee drinker?

    I don't have any problems with drinking either coffe or tea. They are great drinks which serve different purposes for me. They are far more better than drinking alcoholic beverages. I'm completely off drinking alcoholic drinks.
  13. Sandex

    Cat's DNA Testing

    What's the reason why I should be interested in knowing my cat's DNA? No matter how long I think about it, I can't find any reason for doing it. This is the reason why I can't waste my money in doing it.
  14. Sandex

    White cats with blue eyes are more prone to being deaf.

    One of my cat's is white and have blue eyes but she doesn't have any hearing problems. Maybe her own case is different but that's not what I'm looking at. The most important thing is that I don't have to worry about hearing problems for her.
  15. Sandex

    Have you ever had a cat that rejected a kitten?

    For my cat, it wasn't all smooth and easy experience when I introduced a kitten to her when she was 3 years old. It was just so new to her and with how the kitten keeps getting clingy with her, she was almost acting worried. Within 3 weeks of having them together, she became used to her.
  16. Sandex

    Thoughts on keeping cats as house cats?

    For my cats, they have so much room to roam around in my company. It's a 3 plots of free empty space. They can explore as much as they wanted. If I don't have such a big room for them to make use of, I'm not sure if I would be open to letting them lose in the neighbourhood.
  17. Sandex

    Is your cat a bird catcher?

    Yes, my cat is a bird catcher. I've seen him perfectly snatch a bird out of the air. It was a very cool move. I was surprised he didn't kill the bird but played with it a little before letting it fly away. I was thinking cats are meant to kill their prey?
  18. Sandex

    Does your cat venture far from home?

    No, my cats doesn't go too far from home. The farthest they have gone was across the next owner's house and they didn't stay long. They more comfortable in their own home zone and that makes it easier for me not to worry about what's going on with them when they are not within my sight.
  19. Sandex

    Has your cat ever been fascinated by the washing machine?

    My cats are always fascinated by anything that moves constantly. Things like washing machine, and my fans captures and hold their attention like they are hypnotised. Cats can be very funny how they behave to some things.
  20. Sandex

    Do you have a backpack for your cat?

    I don't have a backpack for my cat, I know they look good and all but it's not something that I would be interested in buying at least not now. I don't always go out with my cats expect for when we are talking a walk which they need to walk on their own and not be carried.