Have you had a hamster as a pet?


Mar 24, 2023
Hamsters are amazing to have as pets, I have had a few myself and they tend to sleep more during the day and be up at night. All too often people have said to me "what is the point of having a hamster if they sleep all day and are awake at night" my answer is always that I want to give them a loving home to be in.

Have you ever owned and looked after a hamster? Which types of hamsters are your favorites?
I had a hamster as a kid. I forgot what I named it since that was years ago.
I did not enjoy having a hamster, so when it died, I never got another one.
From being young my brother had hamsters, I always remember he had a hamster once and we had one of those three-tier cages for it not realizing that it was dangerous for the hamster to have one as stores were selling them for hamsters and the hamster fell from the top to the bottom and broke it's back. We ended up having to put the hamster to sleep but my mum swore she would never get another cage like that again and got rid of the one we had.

My daughter and my kids also had a dwarf hamster that we had for just over 3 years before she passed, she was called lightning and we also had another hamster which was a Syrian hamster, he passed a few years ago now from old age but he was like a dark brown color and my daughter called him Oreo :)
I have known friends of mine to own hamsters in the past but it has not been a pet that I have wanted to own myself. I do hear that they are quite simple animals to take care of and that they spend a lot of the day sleeping and are awake at night. I think it's why I haven't wanted to get one as I like to have pets that I can spend time with and not be sleeping when I am awake and awake when I need to sleep.
I had a hamster as a kid. I forgot what I named it since that was years ago.
I did not enjoy having a hamster, so when it died, I never got another one.

What were experiences with having a hamster? What should I look for when I decide to get one? I have been having that thought recently too.
I never had a hamster as a pet. I'm not sure if I would be comfortable with it. It's rabbit I've had years ago and he was very cute. He made me love eating carrot because I fell in love with how he eats carrot with ease.
I had a hamster as a kid. I forgot what I named it since that was years ago.
I did not enjoy having a hamster, so when it died, I never got another one.

To be very honest with you, I've never liked them for once which is why I never cared about getting them even though my brother was a very big fan of hamsters because he had about five of them as pets when he was still a teenager.
I have never had a hamster as a pet. I know they look cute and all but it's not possible for me to keep them because they are small in size. I don't like smaller pets, if not I would have had a hamster.
Having a hamster as a pet is something I would never bring myself to do. Even though I don't have anything against them or anyone who keeps them, they don't appeal to me in any way. This is why I've removed myself from the equation of keeping them as a pet.
I've never had a hamster as a pet. This is because they are too small for my liking. I don't like tiny pets. I might end up hurting them because I'm very careless with how I move about in my house.