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  1. Kennysplash

    Have you had a cat that could open a door?

    Nope, it’s my dog that does that when I had it. If I did not lock the door it could open it by just pushing it from the outside. But my cat does not have that ability, it’s small in size.
  2. Kennysplash

    Have any of your cats been losing hair on ears?

    It’s a skin disease, you should take it to the vet. It usually happens when there is a bruise there and your pet can’t stop rubbing the place with their paws.
  3. Kennysplash

    Does your cat have mood swings?

    But the way they do it is not balanced, kind of. When they need your attention they are also over you and won’t leave until they get it. But when it’s the human turn they start acting up. Not fair!
  4. Kennysplash

    “You mean the papers are important?”

    Well that’s a good tactic she has! Thank goodness you don’t keep any cup of liquid on your work desk, or the damage would be more. Like you said, they are our admin assistants. Albeit ones we didn’t hire and can’t fire.
  5. Kennysplash

    What is the inspiration behind your cat’s name?

    No matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to get any idea. Especially professor X. Now I’m more curious than ever.
  6. Kennysplash

    Do your cats wake you up in the morning?

    Oh when it comes to being active during the day, leave it for her. Sometimes I worry that she seems to exert herself, but then I remind myself that she sleeps a lot in the night.
  7. Kennysplash


    Cats do have the ability to keep us company when we need it. We will love to hear stories about her.
  8. Kennysplash

    Your cat in the kitchen?

    Yell? Do cats understand that? It does not work on them. Another option you can try is to cook where they won’t have a way to reach.
  9. Kennysplash

    The worst thing your cat has brought home to you as a gift?

    Cats rarely get bitten by snakes due to their quick reflexes. And if they do their saliva is like an anti venom, so they just rub their tongue on the bitten part and they will be fine.
  10. Kennysplash

    Does your cat catch butterflies?

    It’s been ages even I saw a butterfly. And my cat rarely goes outside, so I have not witnessed the scene. But Zoey is curious, and I know it’s something she would want to do.
  11. Kennysplash

    What is the inspiration behind your cat’s name?

    So giving them human names makes you feel closer to them and view them as more than just pets and animals. That is a valid reason. Shopie is different though, why?
  12. Kennysplash

    Does your cat get along with other pets you have?

    It is usually not an introduction that goes pretty well. They might eventually get used to one another, but that would probably be after they have fought their own WW1.
  13. Kennysplash

    Do you find your cat gets stressed easily?

    Well typical of the active ones. I had to make another hard copy of my thesis because Zoey shredded them to pieces. They can cause havoc when they choose to.
  14. Kennysplash

    Do your cats use their beds?

    Cats consider themselves absolutely free. They can be territorial as well. So they will stay wherever they like, despite the fact that you made a made or stand for them. Zoey has taught me this a long time ago.
  15. Kennysplash

    Do your cats seem to notice something you can not see?

    Yes, and it creeps me out. She will just stare into what is to me an empty space. I wouldn’t understand what’s going on and I would suspend whatever I’m doing until she relaxes.
  16. Kennysplash

    Ever thought about opening up your own rescue center?

    I don’t think I will have time for that. Though when I see homeless cats I’m on the street I do my best to make a difference. Sometimes I give water or some edibles I have with me.
  17. Kennysplash

    Do your cats wake you up in the morning?

    Now that I think about it, I’m the one that wakes Zoey up. She does not seem to care about anything at all early in the morning, just her sleep.
  18. Kennysplash

    Does your cat have mood swings?

    I don’t really know what to say about Zoey. One minutes she is all over me craving for attention. The other minute she is so aloof, even if you have her food she will not respond to your calls. Does you cat have similar mood swings?
  19. Kennysplash

    Do you play mobile games?

    If I had a PlayStation 5 I would probably spend hours playing various games away. What is your favorite game?
  20. Kennysplash

    “You mean the papers are important?”

    Clearly most cats have no idea how important some documents are. I can never leave any piece of paper lying around, Zoey will shred it to pieces. Then there is always that innocent look they give when you catch them in the act. Does your cat do the same to papers?