Have you ever brought up a cat and a dog together?


Active member
Mar 25, 2023
Something I have always wanted to do but so far, I have never done is get both a puppy and a kitten and bringing them up together. I know many people who have done this and it's so cute to see how they are with each other as they get older.

So many people see cats as being afraid of dogs but if you bring them up together from being really young, they can be the best of friends.

Have you brought up a dog and a cat together? How well did it go?
We started out with a dog, a Yorkie to be specific and within a 3 month period of time, we introduced him to 2 new kittens and it all went well. There was a lot of supervision in the beginning to make sure the dog didn't hurt the kittens by playing too hard but after a few days, we felt comfortable with them being left alone together.
Something I have always wanted to do but so far, I have never done is get both a puppy and a kitten and bringing them up together. I know many people who have done this and it's so cute to see how they are with each other as they get older.

So many people see cats as being afraid of dogs but if you bring them up together from being really young, they can be the best of friends.

Have you brought up a dog and a cat together? How well did it go?
I had brought up a dog and two cats together.
One of my cats had gotten along quite well with my dog. They were friends and even played together because the cat got lazy. My other cat fought like cats and dogs. They did not like each other.
I have always only ever brought up cats and dogs alone and not together. I do know people though who have brought up a dog and a cat together from being really young and it was so sweet to see how they were together as they got older. So many people are adamant that dogs and cats never get on but they can and will do if you bring them up from being really young.
My two cats started off as kittens and a puppy. It's why they all get along very well because technically they grew up together and did everything as one. It makes it easy for me keep all of them because they are so friendly which makes managing and taking care of them very easy.
Currently, I don't have a dog but it is something I am seriously considering because I know how playful and sweet dogs can be. The only problem is that I don't know how my cats are going to adjust with introducing them to a dog in the house.
Even though I don't have a dog at the moment but my neighbor do have one and my cats usually gets along with them whenever they come out to play outside. I always make sure to supervise their time together in order to make sure that nothing goes wrong.
I have watched one scenario where a dog and a cat are living in the same house. The cat was furious that the dog is taking over his meal, he went for a fight but one loud bark from the dog, put him off balanced.
I have watched one scenario where a dog and a cat are living in the same house. The cat was furious that the dog is taking over his meal, he went for a fight but one loud bark from the dog, put him off balanced.

The cat you're talking about must really be a coward because it's usually the other way around with other cats and dogs I've seen living together. Cats always intimate dogs and claw them all the time.
Yes I have, and they grew up together pretty fine. I am surprised when some people say that cats and dogs don’t get along. Mine did.
The cat you're talking about must really be a coward because it's usually the other way around with other cats and dogs I've seen living together. Cats always intimate dogs and claw them all the time.
Well, it depends because I have seen cats stand up for themselves and same with dogs. This cat might have been afraid of the dog from day one.
Honestly, I would love to do it because my parents have done it and it worked perfectly with their cats and dog living peacefully as siblings at home.
Honestly, I would love to do it because my parents have done it and it worked perfectly with their cats and dog living peacefully as siblings at home.
That must have been a great sight to behold seeing them grow up like that. Many have confirmed that the two do not grow up well in absolute peace.