Does your cat smell your feet always?


Active member
Mar 19, 2023
It's not a hidden thing about how good cats are when it comes having acute sense of smell. It helps them to identify their humans from strangers. The high concentration of pheromones on human feet makes it a good spot for cats to always check it always.
My cats can never go a day without smelling my feets, it's like they enjoy doing it.

Do you experience this behaviour with your cats?
My cats smells almost everything in my house. Sometimes I keep wondering if they are dogs because it's dogs I know to be usually of the habit of smelling everything all the time.
I always remember our cat before she passed, she would do this, smell feet and my kids always found it weird but it really is them picking up the scent of their owners.

I always remember my cat used to go around and she would sniff almost everything, again, I believe this was to pick up the scent of their living spaces and the people in there.
Smelling my feet is something that all of my cats are very much doing often. I think it's a way they show me that they love me by trying to smell my feet and rub their body on me at all times whenever they are in the mood to play with me.
To dogs, we call it sniffing but to cats, it's called smelling. Our pets can sniff or smell our body and not only the feet. That cats smell the feet is another way of showing affection to their owners.