Does your cat like your computer?

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Mar 25, 2023
Some cats seem to be drawn to the screen, pawing at it, sitting on the keyboard, or even lounging on the desk beside it.

Do you have a cat, and if so, does your cat like your computer? Have you had any amusing or frustrating experiences with your cat and your computer? How do you handle your cat's interest in your technology while trying to maintain your own productivity?

On the other hand, if you don't have a cat, have you ever witnessed a cat's fascination with a computer or other electronic device? What do you think it is about technology that draws cats in?
My cats do not really pay any interest in my computer screen but they do love to stand on my keyboard quite frequently. It can be quite frustrating if I am doing something important and they decide to walk on my keyboard, there have been times I have been replying to an email and have had them walk over the keyboard and randomly type numerous letters.
My cats do not seem to have any interest in my computer. They have on the odd occasion if they want attention nudged my hand away from anything I am doing but they haven't seemed interested in the computer at all.

I do often wonder though if I put anything on my computer that may move and grab their attention if they would have more interest.
Smokey was never really interested in my computer but more interested in trying to get my attention and to do that, she would lay on my keyboard to prevent me from working. I will admit though, it did work as she always got my attention after doing that.
For some reason all my cats love to lay right on top of my keyboard or right in front of my screen making it very difficult to work. I never let all 3 cats into my office at once, otherwise I wouldn't be able to work so every day is a different cat that gets to chill with me 🙃
No, they are more interested when I have my iPad with me and not the computer. Probably because they want to jump on me when I have the iPad just to play.
No, they are more interested when I have my iPad with me and not the computer. Probably because they want to jump on me when I have the iPad just to play.
I have known people to get tablets much like iPads for their cats so that they can play on them. There are some games and also videos out there for cats that can be played on a tablet.
If it's up to my cats, I wouldn't be using computers. They feel like I don't give them attention whenever I'm on the computer system. This is why they keep getting in my way. I had to carry two of them yesterday just do a work that's going to take me only 30 minutes on the computer but they wouldn't let me.
I don't allow my cats to get on my computer. It's what I'm working with and I can't compromise it simply because my cats want to lay down on it. They can lay down anywhere in the house but not on my computer.
My cats are very observant and whenever it comes to anything that have lights on the face of it, they are always captivated by the movement of the light. This is the reason why they are always fascinated by the screen of my laptop or computer.
My cat always feel like they are in competition with my computer because I used to give it a lot of time as I have to work with them, so they are not very particularly fond of my computer because they are sharing my attention with it.
Don’t they all? She would come and stand in between me and my laptop on the desk. She does not touch it though, except to knock over a few things on the desk. I think they are just curious about the light and whatever is on the screen that they don’t understand.
Don’t they all? She would come and stand in between me and my laptop on the desk. She does not touch it though, except to knock over a few things on the desk. I think they are just curious about the light and whatever is on the screen that they don’t understand.

My cats are equally attention seekers and it's the reason why whenever I'm trying to do something on my laptop, they are always trying to interfere in whatever I'm doing so that I'm going to give them attention. I've tried as much as possible to work when they are sleeping so that I will not be distracted.
Don’t they all? She would come and stand in between me and my laptop on the desk. She does not touch it though, except to knock over a few things on the desk. I think they are just curious about the light and whatever is on the screen that they don’t understand.

I have been trying to get them to understand that my laptop is not a play thing for them to use. They always like to interfere whenever I'm using it to work. It can be distracting but there is nothing I can do to them because they are my babies.
My cat is terrified of computers. I think it might be the noise they make. He'll run away whenever I turn my laptop on.
My cat is terrified of computers. I think it might be the noise they make. He'll run away whenever I turn my laptop on.
Well how very lucky of you. At least you are sure there would be no funny business going on with your PC. Zoey is now my unwanted assistant, which causes more work for me.
It took my cats about 3 weeks to understand that I am working from home. Immediately one of them figure it out, she started coming to sleep by the side of my mouse 🖱 and since then, she have never stopped doing it.
My cat is terrified of computers. I think it might be the noise they make. He'll run away whenever I turn my laptop on.

You're also suppose to be worried if your computer is making a serious noise that's capable of making their cats scared. It might be something being wrong with it and if you don't look into it, the computer might damage.
When I had my cat then, I don't have a computer but she's very attentive whenever I starts to operate my mobile phone. Sometimes, she can put up her claws on mine if I want to type something.