Do you have a favorite dog breed?


Mar 24, 2023
There are so many different dogs breeds some of which I always forget, we even have cross-breeds now for dogs that have some crazy mixtures and it got me thinking about what everyone's favorite dog breed is.

I love golden labradors when it comes to dogs. I have known a few friends of mine who have had a golden labrador and they are great dogs to own if they are brought up right.

Do you have a favorite dog breed?
Growing up my grandma had a dog, he was born on the same day as me and they brought him up from being a puppy so I grew up with him, he was a golden labrador and such a great dog. He passed away at 11 years old due to having a tumor. They would have to be my favorite breed of dog.
I have always had a soft spot for huskies. I saw one just the other day and they look so cute and the colors are amazing on the dog. I would love to own a husky myself but I don't think my cats would take well to me bringing a dog into the home so I have held off.
I love German Shepherd. They look so cool and beautiful when they are puppies. It's the first breed of dog I would choose whenever I'm asked to choose. I love bull dogs too but they can get too aggressive sometimes and it's why I don't go for them first.
I have always loved and being in love with husks. They look so cute and lovely. There's a good level of agility in their gene which I love so much. Such is the reason why I had to get a husk for myself 8 years ago when I had my first dog. She's been with me ever since.
Rottweiler is my one and only favorite dog breed. In fact, it's a dog breed that have been in my family for generation. I have two big rottweilers now. They are both male and female. I might have them breed once.
Huskies are really cute pet for me. I don't have one but I love them. They are cute and their colours are so adorable. I will like to have one for myself one day.