A Bird that loves to drink beer


Active member
Mar 19, 2023
The bird was even getting aggressive when the beer owner wants to take it away. Imagine fighting a bird for your own beer..? I'm not if the bird was his pet or something, I can't really say.
This is a very funny bird. I've never seen a bird drinking beer before. I've only seen meme where chicken drinks alcoholic beer. They started staggering after drinking it.
Haha, I wish I could have a bird drinking buddy too. I wouldn't mind bringing out beer for us to drink every morning when I'm at home and not going out.
This is crazy! I have seen many different things that birds have consumed but beer is a new one.

I love how the bird got aggressive when he took the beer away. I do hope though, for the sake of the animal and its health, they don't always allow it to drink beer.
I don't know that bird love beer too. The only hilarious video I saw was where a hen is trying to steal someone's beer and she got intoxicated and doze off there.