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  1. Sandex

    Do you like to eat cereal in the morning?

    I don't like to eat cereal at all. It doesn't matter if it is in the morning, afternoon or in the night. It is not part of the meal I eat for any reason. I just don't count it as food.
  2. Sandex

    How often do you go for medical check up?

    I don't usually go to hospital until I start having symptoms of sickness. I'm not one who have the habit of always going to medical check up when nothing is wrong with me.
  3. Sandex

    Which popular game are you planning to play this year?

    Honestly, I don't have anyone in my mind right now but let's see what is going to come up because there is still enough time for more games to be released this year.
  4. Sandex

    Are you active on Bluesky?

    I'm not yet on Bluesky. It was just 2020 I created my Facebook account. I don't use it social media sites often. I don't know if I'm ever going to create a Bluesky account.
  5. Sandex

    When did you start using Facebook?

    I didn't start using Facebook on time. In fact, I don't use so many social media platforms. It was either 2020-21 that I created my Facebook account.
  6. Sandex

    What is your favorite color?

    Red is my favourite colour. I know a lot of people see it a danger colour but it's not like that for me. It's colour of strength for me.
  7. Sandex

    Would you keep a wild cat?

    I believe that wild cats are not meant to be kept which is the reason why I'm not going to take the risk of keeping them and possibly been attacked by them. They should stay in the wild.
  8. Sandex

    Do You Have A Collar On Your Cat?

    I have them but I only put it on my cats whenever we are going to take a walk. But whenever they are at home, I will remove it so that they are going to feel very comfortable.
  9. Sandex

    Does your cat like to be covered up as though they were in bed?

    It is going to feel like putting clothes on them with my cats and if they don't like it. Even when they were still very small, they will never allow me to cover them with any kind of clothes.
  10. Sandex

    Does your kitten know how to play dead?

    Cats are becoming very smarter day by day. This is a very good example of you can't make me do what I don't. The small kitten had other plans. Also, it looked like an orange cat.
  11. Sandex

    How often do you play with your cat?

    I don't know if it's going to be possible to go a full day without playing with my kittens. If anyone or anything can make me do that to them, I will be so devastated.
  12. Sandex

    A cat that loves a massage

    This one is quite hilarious. If my mother saw that, she's going to say it's a human being that reincarnated back as a cat because what the hell is that 😂
  13. Sandex

    Have you ever had a cat that likes to go on a walk?

    My cats are very adventurous. If you allow them to explore the outside, they would definitely want to stay out for a very long time. So, I can easily say that my cats enjoy having a walk.
  14. Sandex

    Do you know anyone that is scared of cats?

    My mother is one of those who are not particularly fond of cats. This is because she believes in those superstitutions beliefs about cats being linked to witches.
  15. Sandex

    Who's your favourite character in Game of Thrones?

    You are not the only one who is yet to watch a single episode in the Game of Thrones TV show because I have not watched it either. Maybe before this year runs out, I'm going to find time to watch it.
  16. Sandex

    Do you have a favorite meal?

    Mashed potatoes is my favorite meal I have always loved eating it ever since I was a kid because my mother makes the best. I don't think there is any food I'm going to love more than mashed potatoes.
  17. Sandex

    Do you have a favorite song at the moment?

    Anointing of the Sick is my favourite song at the moment. It's what I'm currently streaming on my Spotify now.
  18. Sandex

    Do you like using dry cleaning services?

    This is something that I've equally done as well because I found out that it is going to be more convenient and easy for me to do my laundries with a washing machine at home than taking it to dry cleaning services.
  19. Sandex

    Who's your favourite wrestler?

    The Rock is one of the most electrifying superstar in the WWE history. I was hoping for him to have a square down with Roman Reigns recently but eventually it was not in the plans of WWE.
  20. Sandex

    What music do you enjoy listening to?

    I'm always listening to rap because it's my favourite music genre. This song is what I'm currently listening to now. How do you rate it?