What is your favorite color?


Active member
Mar 25, 2023
With so many different colors to choose from, everyone has a different favorite color that they like and maybe it's changed throughout your life. I myself have gone through a phase of liking pink and then onto purple and I have had of favorite color of purple for quite a few years now.

Do you have a favorite color and what is it? Have you had more than one favorite color?
I too have gone through phases throughout my life and my favorite color has changed at least 3 times. I remember when I was really young, pink was my favorite color. When I hit my teens my favorite color was blue and I had my bedroom blue for a while, then when I turned around 16/17 it went from blue to purple and has been purple ever since.
I like cool colors and the favorite amongst them is fushia pink. I like that color a lot and some of my clothes came in that particular color too which is good.
Blue, red and grey are my favorite colour. I won't say black because almost every one I know love black colour as it's easier to manage and maintain.
Blue, red and grey are my favorite colour. I won't say black because almost every one I know love black colour as it's easier to manage and maintain.

I don't like grey color, but can go with blue and red. Blue is a great color as result of the fact that it is one of the cool colors that we have.
Black is my one and only favorite color. If it's possible for me to wear black clothes to wherever I need to be, that's what I would wear proudly without any doubt.
Black and white is my best color. I love to go out on all black or all white but the way people look at me as if I'm from another planet. I love black and white so much.
Red is my favourite colour. I know a lot of people see it a danger colour but it's not like that for me. It's colour of strength for me.