When did you start using Facebook?


Active member
Mar 19, 2023
Can you remember the time you created your Facebook account? I have seen online where some people are advertising selling older Facebook accounts. I don't understand the reason why there seems to be a market and demand for older Facebook accounts. What are they used for? I created my Facebook account in 2008 which makes it 16 years old today.
I started using Facebook in 2009. I've had my Facebook account since then and never had it hacked because I used 2FA to secure it against hackers. Most of my friends chat me on Facebook messenger.
I started using Facebook in 2014, and that was when I was in high school. I have made a couple of friends on Facebook since I joined, but I don't log in recently.
Unfortunately, I haven't been using Facebook in years. I had my Facebook account deactivated after creating one 10 years ago. I've never created another one since then.
I think I created an account since 2016 and that one was banned because someone tried to hacked it. I have another account on Facebook which I have been using since then.
I started using Facebook around 2011. Unfortunately, I'm no longer using the social media platform because I have deactivated my Facebook account. I'm fed up with it.
I started using Facebook around 2011. Unfortunately, I'm no longer using the social media platform because I have deactivated my Facebook account. I'm fed up with it.
Why did you stop using social media? Was it because of the trolls or you just decided on your own to deactivate your account. I don't know if I will do such because many things I have learnt is from Facebook.
It was some years ago. I think around 2019. My girlfriend asked me go on Facebook because of a program that she wanted me to learn. That was my first journey on Facebook.
It was some years ago. I think around 2019. My girlfriend asked me go on Facebook because of a program that she wanted me to learn. That was my first journey on Facebook.
Your girlfriend is a good one. She also love you and still needs you to grow, I love that. I hope you are still enjoying your journey there?
I think I created an account since 2016 and that one was banned because someone tried to hacked it. I have another account on Facebook which I have been using since then.

Having a Facebook account banned can be frustrating. Everything you had in there will just go with the account which is heartbreaking.
I registered my Facebook account around 2013. Back then I was using a Nokia symbian phone to browse
Having a Facebook account banned can be frustrating. Everything you had in there will just go with the account which is heartbreaking.
The heartbreak that one can get when their Facebook account is banned or lost to hackers is far more painful than a relationship heartbreak.
I registered my Facebook account around 2013. Back then I was using a Nokia symbian phone to browse
That was a decade ago. I also have a Nokia Symbian phone too but I don't use it for Facebook, only for playing music.
It's been for 5 years now. I have never been a fan of using Facebook until 5 years ago when I felt like it is something that I should really consider doing anyway. I have made a lot of friends since I started using Facebook.
That should be around 2012. I don’t even have access to that account anymore, it’s been a long time ago.
I didn't start using Facebook on time. In fact, I don't use so many social media platforms. It was either 2020-21 that I created my Facebook account.