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  1. Prisca

    Do you know how to swim?

    It is fun to go swimming especially when you get to do it with some of your friends. I like to go to swimming as it is something that is very very good and nice.
  2. Prisca

    What's your view on long distance relationship?

    It is not easy to stay in a long-distance relationship, but as long as the love is there, it is one thing to look at. The biggest issue comes with whether both parties are willing to stand and commit to the goal of the relationship.
  3. Prisca

    Do you like eating vegetables?

    I eat vegetables a lot and it is always nice to do so. I have noticed that my skin are now clean and soft because of the type of food that I eat on a daily basis.
  4. Prisca

    Fear to overcome before you die?

    I have never been on an aeroplane and I wouldn't want to start now. It can be so scary and I used to imagine how most of the plane crashes happened in the past.
  5. Prisca

    Do you know how to cook?

    This is very good. I mean as long as you are able to cook (I like to cook as well) when it matters, you are good to go!
  6. Prisca

    Have you avoided soda for a while?

    I take carbonated drinks, and while I know that it contains soda, I don't bother a lot about it. We are all going to die, and avoiding this or that changes nothing at the end of the day.
  7. Prisca

    What's all the noise about Chat GPT?

    You can't compare a content written by it with a handwritten own. The difference is always crystal clear for everyone to look and see!
  8. Prisca

    Who do you take business advice from?

    I have a business mentor who has taught me a lot about life and how it works here. I have applied some of the things that he taught me about businesses, and it has been going pretty well for me for a while now.
  9. Prisca

    How do you deal with people with crazy pets?

    I am still puzzled on the reason anyone would openly keep a crazy pet. Whatever that they are trying to achieve is something that I will always be pretty confused about.
  10. Prisca

    Do you know how to cook?

    You are honest and that is a good trait. The first thing to do is to fully focus on becoming a better person and cooking when it matters is good. I don't enjoy cooking as well, but I do it whenever that it is necessary to be done.
  11. Prisca

    Do you know how to cook?

    I am very good at cooking! I have even handled cooking at so many events, and trust me when I say that I enjoy cooking most of the time.
  12. Prisca

    Do you read courses online?

    YouTube videos are not always detailed the way that I would want, but it is also very possible to learn via YouTube. I knew some people who became good learning from YouTube.
  13. Prisca

    What's your favorite beer?

    Really? I didn't know that there was someone who would really enjoy drinking mountain dew like I always do. It is such a good and quality drink!
  14. Prisca

    What food do you absolutely despise but others seem to love?

    I can take eggs daily without feeling too bad. I am not surprised you don't like eating eggs because my partner doesn't enjoy eating it as well.
  15. Prisca

    safe place on your body to keep money?

    This is correct. Ensuring that you take your money with you is very important when you make moves around a city especially when you enter the market.
  16. Prisca

    How high is your IQ?

    I am an intelligent person. I know how I can be able to manage different situations without feeling under any pressure. I believe that is an act of high IQ.
  17. Prisca

    Do you know who had an organ transplant?

    I have not had someone who had an organ transplant. I have read a couple of stories where such happened, but I have never seen anyone who had an experience.
  18. Prisca

    Have you been scammed?

    I have been scammed by some scammers who made me lose money via my bank. I was naive and fell into their trap. It was never an easy experience recovering then.
  19. Prisca

    Do you like calling or chatting?

    I like to hear the voice of my man on a daily basis. It is one act that makes me feel really happy. No matter how much we chat, I can never feel satisfied.
  20. Prisca

    Do you travel light or heavy?

    I like to travel heavily. I don't want to be at the mercy of anyone when I need something while on a trip or when I get to where I am going.