Does your cat have a favorite toy?


Mar 24, 2023
Cats absolutely love toys and in some cases may love one particular toy more than others. My cats both have a lot of toys that we keep in a box for them but there is one that they always go back to which has cat nip in that they absolutely love and tend to play with more than any others.

Does your cat have a favorite toy?
One of my cats loved the pointer laser I would do for her. She went crazy for it. Also, no matter what cat toys I got her, she always preferred the dog toys.
My other cat did not play with any cat toys she was way too lazy.
Out of all the toys I have ever got for my cats, a laser pen was the one that they loved the most. We have quite a few laser pens that we keep just incase the batteries run out in one so that they always have one to play with. It is a lot of fun to see them all playing and chasing the dot from the laser pen around.
The only thing my cat loves playing with more than any other toy that I have gotten for him is a balloon. The way she jumps all over the places playing with is a good sight to see. She's popped a few of them and would start looking at me to blow up another for him.
My cats don't have any favourite toy. They play with anything that I buy for them and they are happy doing so. I don't know if it is as a result of not getting them toys when they were little or just the way they behave.
My cats don't have any favourite toy. They play with anything that I buy for them and they are happy doing so. I don't know if it is as a result of not getting them toys when they were little or just the way they behave.
Same with my cats too. They can play with anything you throw at them. They are not selective with any toys and I'm happy with it because it makes it easy for me to get them any toy I see.
I always remember our cat, she used to have a toy that she got for Christmas once and she used to sleep with it. We once found her cuddled up with it when she was asleep and she used to carry it around with her like it was her baby.

It was really sweet but she took it somewhere one day and we never saw it again. Only recently did I find it again but she passed last July, we now keep it next to the pictures that we have of her.
There are several toys which I have bought for my cats and they all love all of them. I don't know if they have anyone which is their favourite because they always enjoy playing with every toy that I bought for them. I've never had any toy being rejected playing with by them.
One thing that I love so much about my cats is that they are not obsessed with any particular toy. They always play with any toy they can be able to lay their hands on and get along with each other. This is what makes the house to be very peaceful all the time.
I've already purchased so many toys for my cat which they play with all of them. I simply noticed that there is a particular duck 🦆 plushie with which they prefer playing with more than every other toys that I've bought for them.
Yes, she love her fish toy. She really thought it was a real fish that she can play with or even eat but nah, there was a disappointment 🤣
She love that fish toy more than others.
Yeah Zoey so much likes the flexible rubber fish. She practically forgets about the other toys and play so much with it.
Yeah Zoey so much likes the flexible rubber fish. She practically forgets about the other toys and play so much with it.
They thought it's a real fish. Have you ever try to give Zoey a real fish to know how she handles it. I tried it with mine, she finished it.
I noticed that one of my cats used to play with round objects, so I bought a ball for it. Now it plays with the ball so well, I feel like Chelsea football club needs to come sign him 😃
They thought it's a real fish. Have you ever try to give Zoey a real fish to know how she handles it. I tried it with mine, she finished it.
Oh don’t let us even get to that. She devours the fish within seconds, without wasting time. I guess that’s why she plays so well with the toy too.
My cats loves all of their toys. I made sure to get them the best toys to keep them company. I paid a lot of money getting them some of the best fluffy toys.
My cats doesn't like playing with toys. They ignore their toys like it doesn't exist. I consider it a waste of money buying all the toys I purchased for them.