Would you attempt to take a feral cat in?


Mar 24, 2023
Feral cats usually end up not tolerating anything or anyone and may be really difficult to look after. I myself have never tried to take in a feral cat as I know that it would take a lot of work to get them used to be a pet again and in some cases, may not even be successful.

If there was a feral cat that you knew, would you attempt to take it in and give it a loving home?
Taking in a feral cat I feel is a risk and it is not a decision I would take lightly. I would say it depends on how feral the cat is and whether or not the cat is able to be helped and become a cat that can be taken care of again or if they are beyond that point. At the moment I wouldn't risk it at all with my cats as you never know how vicious they can be around other cats.
We have a very feral cat that is around the neighborhood I live in and he has become very aggressive now due to how long he has been out taking care of himself. I knew the cat when I used to live next door to a woman who would take him in like it was her cat and then she just stopped resulting in him having no home. I couldn't take him in myself as we already had a cat and she never really got on with other cats.

Seeing how he is around people now, it is definitely not something I feel I could do taking in a feral cat.
I would have to observe the feral cat for a while to know the extent of the cats radicality and if it's something that I can deal with. If the cat isn't getting better, it will be difficult for me to take it in my home as it's going to pose grave danger to my other cats at home. What I won't stop doing is trying to feed the cat whenever I get the chance every day.
I'm sorry but I won't be open to taking in a feral cat in because of their behaviour and nature. There's a high chance they won't be comfortable because they are almost like a wild cat. All I can do for them is feed them whenever I can and that's it. My cats won't get along with them.
When it comes to stray cats, I don't think that it's wise to take them in. I would say that it is important, that you find a way to trap the strays and get them spayed or neutered. They should be absorbed by the local authority.
I wouldn't mind taking in a feral cat as long as I can be able to to tame it. All feral cats want is care and love. They will get used to behaving like homely cats do. It's never a good circumstance that made them become feral cats.
I’m not taking the risk of taming a feral cat, nope. My skin is precious, can’t have it bruised by a cat I can’t control.
Feral cat, where they dont have any interest in human contact, no. Stray cat, where there is still a chance to domesticate them, yes. Either way, if you have them near your home or job,be kind and provide food and water, these cats have a very tough life.
I'll do everything in my power to provide food and water for them as long as they are willing to accept my good gesture because I know they are not keen on being in contact with human beings except their fellow feral cats.