Tips to prevent your cat from scratching your furniture


Active member
Mar 20, 2023
Something that always seems to happen when you have a cat is they will get their claws into everything given the chance, even your furniture. You can get them a scratch post and they will still ignore that and go for the furniture.

When I had my cat, she had a scratching post but as all cats do, would still go for my sofa. We ended up having to get some spray from the pet store that we could spray on the area that would deter her from scratching, she would stop but when the smell wore off she would do it again. We ended up getting into the habit of telling her off for scratching on the furniture and would move her to her scratching post.

After a while, this started to work but when she thought we were not looking, she would attempt to go for the sofa, that was until we said something and she would swiftly move away and go to the scratch post.

What tips do you have to prevent your cat from scratching your furniture?
Double sided tape on the spots they like to scratch is a good remedy too.
This is what I do too with my cat and his scratching habit which works perfectly ever since I started using it.

I haven't thought about using sprays because it might be allergic to my cat and even myself too. I'm easily affect by offensive smell.
Double sided tape on the spots they like to scratch is a good remedy too.
This is exactly what I do and have found it to work really well. I had in the past tried a spray that I was recommended to spray on the area that would deter them and was also told to just keep telling them off and moving them away but it was the double-sided tape that worked for me.
Double sided tape on the spots they like to scratch is a good remedy too.
This is something I had heard of but I never tried it to be honest and would always use the telling her off and moving her to her scratching post instead which did eventually work. I haven't got another cat yet as we do not feel ready since we lost ours last July but if this happens again which it more than likely will, I will give the double-sided tap a go and see how that goes :)
Double sided tape on the spots they like to scratch is a good remedy too.
I never actually thought about the double-sided tape to prevent cats from scratching on surfaces you would rather they didn't. I have always got a spray that you can spray on the area that will deter them from scratching which has seemed to work but it is not a very nice smell at all. May have to try the double-sided tape to see how it goes.
I never actually thought about the double-sided tape to prevent cats from scratching on surfaces you would rather they didn't. I have always got a spray that you can spray on the area that will deter them from scratching which has seemed to work but it is not a very nice smell at all. May have to try the double-sided tape to see how it goes.
We have tried several sprays and none have ever worked. Double sided tape has worked... for a bit but since we can't wrap the whole couch with it they have learned to look and touch and go to the other spots instead! 🤣
We have tried several sprays and none have ever worked. Double sided tape has worked... for a bit but since we can't wrap the whole couch with it they have learned to look and touch and go to the other spots instead! 🤣
People often say to me that cats are not smart, and I beg to differ. This is exactly one of the many reasons why cats are smart! No matter what you do to prevent them from doing something like scratching your furniture, they will always find a way around it. 🤣
People often say to me that cats are not smart, and I beg to differ. This is exactly one of the many reasons why cats are smart! No matter what you do to prevent them from doing something like scratching your furniture, they will always find a way around it. 🤣
Hahaha!!! They are smart little creatures and mischievous.
Hahaha!!! They are smart little creatures and mischievous.
They sure are, they do try to hide their smartness but it always shows through at some point. They are quite clever in only letting you see what they want you to see which just makes them a lot smarter than we already thought they were.
People often say to me that cats are not smart, and I beg to differ. This is exactly one of the many reasons why cats are smart! No matter what you do to prevent them from doing something like scratching your furniture, they will always find a way around it. 🤣
I used to think I was the smart one but my cats showed me the otherwise with always finding a way to beat the barrier I set for them not to scratch my furniture. It's only the love I have for them that makes me to overlook it.
Double sided tape on the spots they like to scratch is a good remedy too.
This works best in my opinion. It's how I stopped my cats from messing with my furniture all the time.

What are they even looking for in the furniture 👀?
Well, making use of sprays have worked perfectly towards deterring my cats from using my furniture as a scratching thing. They have a scratching post they should be using and not my furniture.
It was yesterday that I saw a video of a cat that made the owner's furniture look as if scraper was used on them until the owner showed where his cat was busy scratching the other part of the leg. It was a funny video.
Sometimes I rob peels on the furniture. When she smells the orange peels it discourages her from even getting close to the furnitures. She learned to stay away from it totally eventually.