The sex of cat you like more?


Active member
Mar 19, 2023
Do you like having a male or female cat? What could be the reason why you would either prefer a male or a female cat? Does it have anything to do with taking care of them or you're just bias with choosing the sex you want?
I have owned and looked after both male and female cats and I can't say that I have a preference as they have both been amazing to take care of and look after. No matter what the sex of a cat I wouldn't use that against adopting a cat at all as I love them all.
I might have a preference in dog which I would most likely have a female dog because they can be very protective but when it comes to cat's, I wouldn't worry about sex because it doesn't mean much unless I'm interested in having my cat to breed for me.
I have never bothered about the sex of cat. For for the record, my cat is a male and I'm very okay with it. It doesn't matter to me if I have a male or female cat, their sex wouldn't change how I feel about them. A cat is a cat to me irrespective of the sex.
I think both female and male cats can make great pets and companions, and their gender doesn't necessarily determine their personality or behavior. I think it's more about finding the right individual cat that matches your lifestyle and personality. Both of my cats were female because it worked out that way. In the far future when I have a cat again, the gender of the cat will depend on many facts other than its gender.
I couldn't ever choose between a female and a male cat as I love all cats and wouldn't judge them or not take them in and adopt them based on their gender. At the moment I have two female and two male cats and they are all really great animals that I would not change for the world.
Female cats are my pick. I have never had a male cat. I'm more free with female cats than male one's and I don't seem to know the reason behind this my preference. I wouldn't say male cats are stubborn because my sister have 2 male and 1 female cat. They are all gentle.
I love both male and female cats. The sex of cat is never going to be what I'm looking at when choosing a cat I'm going to keep. As long as I'm okay with the colour and breed of the cat, I can take either the male or female of it.
I am more comfortable keeping female cats than male cats. I don't know the reason why it is this way but I've always had a better connection with female cats, which is the reason why all of my cats are female with just one male.