Should the spaying and neutering of cats be made mandatory?


Active member
Mar 20, 2023
Something I have noticed which is not at the moment mandatory is the fact that cats can be owned and not spayed or neutered.

As much as I understand that some people do wish to allow their cats to have kittens, some people do it to make money and not care about the health of the mother cat or the kittens.

We end up seeing so many different cats left abandoned because people allow their cats to have kittens and then when they get too much, they abandon them.

I am someone who would rather see spaying and neutering become mandatory and cats bred by those who are professional and have good intentions rather than seeing just anyone allow their cat to and them end up abandoned.

What are your thoughts? Should the spaying and neutering of cats be mandatory?


Active member
Mar 19, 2023
I don't believe there will ever a law to make neutering and spaying mandatory, however vets should recommend it and encourage owners to get it done. There are so many health benefits to get both female and male cats fixed.

I do think the government should step in and offer discounted spaying/ neutering to low income families, most of the times this is the community that will not get it done as they rather use their money for basic necessities than to get their cats fixed.


Active member
Mar 19, 2023
Nobody is going to have the right to tell a cat owner how they are supposed to manage the health of their pets. It is only something that can be based on recommendation by vet so that cat owners will know what is good for their pets.


Active member
Mar 19, 2023
Such a law can never be passed in any country. It's like making a law to tell married couples not to give birth to kids. What I know that should be done is sensitization of cat owners on the need for spaying and neutering of their cats.