Most popular cat breed?


Active member
Mar 19, 2023
Are you very familiar with different kinds of cat breeds? Which is one do you think is the most popular breed in the world at the moment?

In my experience, I would say that it's going to be Ragdoll cat breed. They are large, longhaired and with plush coat. It makes them stand out clearly.
The top 5 cat breed which is how I see it are ;

1. Bengal
2. Ragdoll
3. Maine Coon
4. Persian
5. Exotic Shorthair
According to the Cat Fanciers’ Association, the most popular breeds of cats in 2022 were:

1) Ragdoll
2) Maine Coon Cat
3) Deven Rex
4) Exotic
5) Persians
6) British Shorthair
7) Abyssinian
8) Scottish Fold
9) Hairless Sphynx
10) Siberian
Every breed of cat is popular. I don't have preferences or particular breeds that's the best to me. I can keep any breed as a pet so far they are cute and beautiful.