Laminate flooring and cats.


Active member
Mar 20, 2023
With laminate flooring being a lot more popular now than it used to be, you may have noticed if you have cats and laminate flooring how they can end up sliding across the floor or their paws are wet either from being out in the rain or if the cat manages to get through when you have cleaned the floor.

When we had Smokey I always remember her running in from being out in the rain and she slid from one end of the kitchen to the other. It was comical to watch and I don't think she was quite sure what happened but luckily there were no injuries.

Have you had any incidents with your cat and laminate flooring?
I have laminate flooring in my house as I feel it is easier to keep clean and it is better for people who suffer from dust allergies in our home.

My cats are pains for getting in the way when we wash the floors and we have had incidents where they have walked across the wet floor, realized and ran, and then slid most of the way. Luckily they do not get hurt but we try to keep them shut in a room now when we clean the floors.
I haven't got laminate flooring in my home but I have seen videos of other cats and their misfortunes with laminate flooring. Some cats end up going faster than I think I could ever run when sliding on laminate flooring and even though it does seem to phase them, they just casually shrug it off and walk off.
I used textured laminated floor. It's not slippery compared to the smooth one's and it doesn't cause any problems for my cats whenever they are walking. Even if water poured on it, it's not going to be too slippery.
All of the rooms in my house are tiled. It's easier to clean and maintain better than any other kinds of floor I've used. My cats walks fine on the tile without having any difficulties.
I have tiled floors and not laminated ones. My cat walks so easily on the tiled floor and never experienced any hurt at all. I make sure to dry the floors very well to avoid home accidents for the cat.