Have you been fishing?


Mar 24, 2023
I remember when I was a kid, I and my friends used to go fishing with our fishing nets. Anything we caught we would always put back but it was fun to be able to catch fish and see what we could catch.

Have you been fishing? What is the biggest fish you have caught? Do you put the fish back?
I remember I used to go with my brothers to the park not too far from us and we used to use nets and try and catch fish. We used to catch a few but not many and we always put them back.

It was something different to do when out when we were kids.
Fishing is a very boring activity. The waiting without having to do anything till you have a catch is very depressing. I have tried it when I was younger. I should be 21 years old then and never liked it. I haven't gone fishing ever again since.
The only way I enjoyed fishing is when I have a lot of beer to help me out during the act. It can get lonely sitting and waiting for a catch. The last time I went for fishing, I ended up with not catching anything but I did enjoyed drinking my beer though.
Fishing was part of my child's life with my peers. We lived with a lot of streams in our surroundings, and it made it very easy for us to pick up fishing as a hobby. I took my first fish home and kept it in a jar. It died a few days later.
I used to go fishing as a kid. It was one of those moments that I cherished growing up each time that I visit the village. Work and responsibilities have taken the bulk of my time these days.
Fishing is fun, I would go with my brother whenever we have the time. Fishing isn't something you do in a rushy way. You have to be very patient to get a good catch and it's not a must you're going to make a great catch whenever you go fishing.
I have watched some video online where people usually go for a big catch and it is always very interesting with the size of fishes that usually catch in the big ocean and I'm always looking forward to when I'm going to do something like that.
Unfortunately there isn't much big rivers in my location where someone can easily go for fishing. This is the reason why I haven't been able to go for fishing for you very long time.

I might be able to do so if I travel to a place where there is enough water bodies for me to fish from.