Getting clawed trying to kiss my cat 😂


Active member
Mar 19, 2023
I found out yesterday my cat doesn't understand kissing is a way of showing affection to her just like I do with my dog.

I tried kissing her yesterday evening and I got a claw on my chin for it 😂. I knew right away that kissing isn't allowed for her. The claw mark isn't serious, there's nothing for me to worry about.

Do you kiss your cat?
I am able to kiss 2 out of my 3 cats, my 2 boys are friendly and loving but my little girl is not a kisser! She likes to play and lay on you but the minute you try to pick her up, hold her or pet her, she is ready to fight you to death! I too been clawed for stealing a kiss from a cat 😞
The thing is that you won't see it (their claw) coming when you try to kiss your cat and wham you get it. I have been clawed once trying to kiss one of my cat and since then, I've not tried it again. I wouldn't like my face to be very obvious I keep cats 😔. None of my cats likes being kissed, so, it's off our adventure or love sharing.
My cats are not kissers. They don't like it and it was good I had to find out when they were still kittens. After trying several times without any success, I stopped trying. We can do any other thing but not kissing.
You have to understand how your cats behave. When you do, then it's gonna be easy for you to know if they being kissed or not. Two of my cats don't have any problems whenever I want to kiss them but not the youngest one. You are not allowed to bring your face close to hers.
Cats doesn't like to be forced to do anything they want. Once you try that with them, they will get aggressive immediately. Cats are independent animal which is why they don't like being make to do anything they don't want.
Kissing is another way to show affection but before I started doing it with my cat, she nearly fight off my hands but I made her understand that I will be doing it everyday.
My cat will always bring up his head to rub it on mine. Whenever he does that, I know he wants to be kissed and touched all over his face. He always initiates it while I follow up.
No I don’t. But I have my way of petting them and rubbing them that shows I deeply care for them. They are so used to it and I don’t get any negative reaction from them.
Cats doesn't like to be forced to do anything they want. Once you try that with them, they will get aggressive immediately. Cats are independent animal which is why they don't like being make to do anything they don't want.
Cats are truly independent and there's no way they can't find their way if abandoned somewhere. Forcing cats to do things seems like a fight unless you have already become their favourite.