Do you have the ability to weigh your cat at home?


Active member
Mar 25, 2023
When it comes to weighing your cat, most people wait until they take their cat to the vet for a checkup rather than having a way to weigh their cat at home. This is how I do things and I cannot weigh my cats from home so I always rely on the vet to do it when my cats go for their check-ups.

Do you have the ability to weigh your cats at home or do you just wait for a vet visit and let them do it?
I always leave it up to my vet to weigh my cat as I would never be able to get a guaranteed weight doing it myself and I feel much better if a professional does it so that I know it is accurate.
As much as I know that you can get scales to be able to weigh your cats, I have not done so and I allow the vet to weigh my cats and tell me how they are doing in terms of weight.

Luckily both of my cats are at a healthy weight so I am quite happy with that.
I don't weigh my cats at home. I always believe that it is the job of the vet doctor to do so especially when we are checking for dieting. I have a weighing scale, but I don't use it to weigh my cats.
I just did it once or twice and kept the weight data before going to my vet to weigh them for me and we both arrived at the same weight result.

The good thing was that both of my cats had good weight that's not a danger to their health. I had nothing to worry about it.
I just did it once or twice and kept the weight data before going to my vet to weigh them for me and we both arrived at the same weight result.

The good thing was that both of my cats had good weight that's not a danger to their health. I had nothing to worry about it.

You can also let the vet do the weighing going forward. There is no harm in the vet taking charge in doing those things since they have better experience than you do with animals.
I always leave it up to my vet to weigh my cat as I would never be able to get a guaranteed weight doing it myself and I feel much better if a professional does it so that I know it is accurate.
This is how I go about it too. Why would I be interested in doing the work of a professional especially when I always take my cats to them for all round check up?
They do it and give me their professional opinion.
I don't weigh my cat at home but there's something that I used to do, I will always carry her on my body to know how heavy or light she is.