Do you find any of your cats have high energy?


Active member
Mar 25, 2023
So cats are well known for their energy but some of them can have a lot more energy than others. I have known my cats to always have a lot of energy at night but that seems to be normal for most cats and it has been named late-night zoomies by many cat owners.

Do you find that your cats have more energy than other cats or is it a normal kind of energy that your cats have?
Smokey always seemed to have high energy at around 3 am and it was always near enough close to the dot of 3 am every night. It would be quiet and you would hear her running up and down the stairs and making little meow noises like something was chasing her, she would do that for a good 10 - 15 minutes before she calmed down and settled down.

We would always call it the 3 am zoomies as she would always get hyperactive at around 3 am without fail.
At night I notice a huge difference in both of my cat's energy and it is usually in the early hours of the morning. I have heard many people mention the same thing regarding their cats being overly active in the early hours of the morning as well so it really must be a cat thing.
My cats have this high energy at night especially bella. She will jump from one place to another and if you are new to the house, you will begin to think that something is wrong somewhere, but that is not true. It is normal for most cats.
At night I notice a huge difference in both of my cat's energy and it is usually in the early hours of the morning. I have heard many people mention the same thing regarding their cats being overly active in the early hours of the morning as well so it really must be a cat thing.
It happens with human beings too. I have more energy whenever I wake up in the early morning right up till 11 or 12 PM before the energy goes down on notch. Anytime it happens with my cat, I don't get surprised.
It happens with human beings too. I have more energy whenever I wake up in the early morning right up till 11 or 12 PM before the energy goes down on notch. Anytime it happens with my cat, I don't get surprised.

Cats tend to have some human traits considering that they are one of those pets that observe humans closely. Feeling energized every morning is something that is normal with my cats.
Yeah, all my cats always have high energy especially in the day time. They will only slow down after they had played for hours all day. This is usually at the evening time. Maybe when they get older, they will slow down more.
My cats are always full of energy anytime I have observed them in the house. I've never seen any of them to be acting as if it is out of energy unless there is something wrong with them in terms of health.