Do you dress up your cat for Halloween? Share your best costume ideas!


Active member
Mar 20, 2023
I was sat thinking about how fast this year has gone already and it dawned on me that Halloween will be with us before we know it.

I often see people who dress their cats up in something small for Halloween, whether it be a witches hat, maybe even a small cape with a witches hat.

Do you dress up your cat for Halloween? What costumes have you used and do you have any photos to share?
I love my cats and I know my cats love me, but they will destroy my arms if I tried to dress them up. The most I have been able to do is put a cowboy hat on one of them! 😞
I love my cats and I know my cats love me, but they will destroy my arms if I tried to dress them up. The most I have been able to do is put a cowboy hat on one of them! 😞
Yeah the sort! I don’t even need to dress Zoey up before she sees the need to scratch me. It can happen anytime, I’m always prepared for it.
Unfortunately, I don't celebrate Halloween. As a result of that, we don't have any need to dress up for the celebration. Although, it's usually hard to get my cats to wear anything. They don't fancy putting anything on except for a hat.
Nope, I don't dress any of my cats for Halloween season. They don't like it being worn any costume. It's only hats they used to allow me put them on. They still end up clawing it off.
It is only one of my cats that is very comfortable putting on any costume that I have for him, the rest don't want to have them anywhere around them which is why I don't bother about decorating them for any kind of holidays or Halloween celebration.
Leo and Willow are my cats that doesn't have any problems with being in costumes for any kind of celebration. As for my cat Charlie, you're going to die before you will get him in any costume.
Unfortunately, we don't celebrate Halloween. This is why I don't have any business with decorating my cats for Halloween celebration. If it were to be something that we celebrate, I wouldn't mind doing it.
Leo and Willow are my cats that doesn't have any problems with being in costumes for any kind of celebration. As for my cat Charlie, you're going to die before you will get him in any costume.

If my cat really enjoy having any costume on their body, I wouldn't really mind doing it for them even if I am not celebrating Halloween.
But it's not something they fancy which is why we don't do it.
Unfortunately, we don't celebrate Halloween. This is why I don't have any business with decorating my cats for Halloween celebration. If it were to be something that we celebrate, I wouldn't mind doing it.

You can actually do it with your cats if they are very comfortable with putting on Halloween costumes. You can dress them up the part and watch horror movies together. It's a very good way to celebrate it.
I have watch the movies of Halloween with my cat but I haven't dress her like that. She might love it if I have ever try it with her.
I have watch the movies of Halloween with my cat but I haven't dress her like that. She might love it if I have ever try it with her.

The only way you can be able to say for sure that your cat is going to enjoy being in a Halloween costume is when it comes to wearing any other kinds of clothes, she is comfortable with doing that.
The only way you can be able to say for sure that your cat is going to enjoy being in a Halloween costume is when it comes to wearing any other kinds of clothes, she is comfortable with doing that.
Nah, she's good with watching them on movies. She's no more because if she was, I might try it on her to know how good looking she will be.