Are you someone who likes to have cats but hates them on the bed?


Active member
Mar 20, 2023
Whenever I have had a cat, I have always allowed them on the bed unless of course, we were having issues with fleas and it would have been better if they were not on my bed.

I have known people though to have cats and not allow them on the bed or even upstairs at all. Whilst this is something that is a personal choice, I myself much prefer for my cats to be able to be on my bed if they wish to.

Are you someone who likes to have cats but hates to have them on the bed? Do you know someone like that?
My cats become family and they are free to come to my bed as they please, as a matter of fact it is encouraged! They don't always come to bed when I'm there so I find interesting ways to get them over, for example, wiggling my toes under the covers, playing with a cat toy, snacking or opening a bag of cat treats :)
My cats become family and they are free to come to my bed as they please, as a matter of fact it is encouraged! They don't always come to bed when I'm there so I find interesting ways to get them over, for example, wiggling my toes under the covers, playing with a cat toy, snacking or opening a bag of cat treats :)
Why will my cats be limited or excluded from being in my bed? They are my lovely pets and even they have their own bed, they always free to be in my bed. It's good they don't poo or wee in bed, so I don't have anything to worry about having them in my bed.
Why would I hate to have my cats in my bed? Anyone who owns cats but hate having them in his bed or her bed, never loved cats. They are only keeping cats to save face. My cats are part of my life, they can be anywhere they want in my house.
I don't hate cats or developed hatred for them. My cat knows that I don't like dirt and messing up the bed will only lead to having her space alone. She don't do things that warrant to be chase down.
Why would I hate to have my cats or even my dogs in my bed? Even though they have their own bed which cost me a good amount of money, it doesn't stop them from getting into my bed and sleeping in it when they wanted.
Why would I hate to have my cats or even my dogs in my bed? Even though they have their own bed which cost me a good amount of money, it doesn't stop them from getting into my bed and sleeping in it when they wanted.
The reason that some people don't allow their cats or other pets on the bed can be due to the fact that they can mess it up and when you think of such, the person can put them to the ground.
I love my cats, but my bed is off limits for them. I have made them understand that because I never gave them the opportunity to be on the bed with me
Nope, I do not want any of my pets on the bed with men in any way. They try it of course, but when they see my disaproved actions they do not try it with me anymore.
I buy trained cats, they know what to do when they need to relieve themselves. So I have no problem having them on my bed since they are clean.
Nope, my bed is totally off limits and my cats know that. I have sparkling white bedsheets, so I can not allow them on it.
Nope my cats are never getting on the bed with me. I got them their own houses.
I buy trained cats, they know what to do when they need to relieve themselves. So I have no problem having them on my bed since they are clean.
So you mean they know when they need to poo and they go to their designated place to do it? That is impressive.
Nope my cats are never getting on the bed with me. I got them their own houses.

It is all up to your cats to decide whether they are going to leave your bed alone for you or invade it whenever they want. There is nothing you can do about it.
It is all up to your cats to decide whether they are going to leave your bed alone for you or invade it whenever they want. There is nothing you can do about it.
I know many people do talk about how the cats act as if they are the owner of the house. But if I should express it to my cat that something is off limits, then it is and that is final.