Are you someone who believes black cats are unlucky?

Black cats? That's just one of the hundreds of myths we were being fed with while growing up. Nothing could be more false.
Some people still live like they are uncivilized. Hundreds of years ago the belief might be popular in certain areas, but definitely not anymore today.

True! It is very unfortunate that some cats which are not lucky will have themselves suffer from such uncivilized and illiterate people who don't know anything about cats but follow some stupid myths and use it against them.
I don't have a black but my neighbour does. I love to be close to it and allow it to be on my laps. I love black colour and having a black cat is also a bonus to me.
I have 2 black kittens. They are not any bad luck to me. In fact, I believe they bring good luck and fortune for me since I started keeping them for 3 years now.
I have 2 black kittens. They are not any bad luck to me. In fact, I believe they bring good luck and fortune for me since I started keeping them for 3 years now.
It is the society that just comes up with baseless superstitions. Is it only cats, why is the same not said of other animals?
Black cats? That's just one of the hundreds of myths we were being fed with while growing up. Nothing could be more false.
It's nothing more than a myth that people have actually believed for years, it's a surprise how people even believe it.
It is the society that just comes up with baseless superstitions. Is it only cats, why is the same not said of other animals?
There are other baseless superstitions on other animals. People believe that whenever an owl or vulture visit a house, that death is round the corner.
My theory is that it's those who thinks black cats are bad luck that also see black people as monkey. In fact, they are the racist we are talking about.
My theory is that it's those who thinks black cats are bad luck that also see black people as monkey. In fact, they are the racist we are talking about.
This is definitely a discussion for another day. 😅 It might surprise you to know that it is mostly black people that upholds the superstition.
Black cats are beautiful. In fact, I would choose a black cat over any other cat colour expect for orange cats. No cat colour will be seen as bad luck to me.
This is definitely a discussion for another day. 😅 It might surprise you to know that it is mostly black people that upholds the superstition.

You are absolutely correct by your assessment. From my experience, it is only black people that are I have known to refer black cat at being witches and wizards.