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  1. Ivar

    Have you had any funny experiences with your cat and catnip?

    This is my favourite compilations of catnip experiences.
  2. Ivar

    Does your cat hate baths?

    It's seriously a rare thing to find with kittens. If I have been in contact with 100 kittens, 95 of them doesn't like water or taking their bath in any way possible.
  3. Ivar

    Do your cats make use of a cat flap?

    Cat flaps are not necessarily important to me because I don't fancy having my kittens outside the house. My neighbourhood isn't that safe to allow them out in the public whenever they want.
  4. Ivar

    Do your cats love boxes?

    Definitely, it would appear the cat is afraid of boxes that's making it difficult for the kitten to be in boxes. Unless you start introducing boxes to the kitten, it's never going to get used to it.
  5. Ivar

    Does your cat get on with other cats in the neighborhood?

    It's not safe allowing your kittens to go outside without being under your supervision. A lot of kittens have been killed without the knowledge of their owners.
  6. Ivar

    Does your cat venture far from home?

    It have always been in their nature. It's why I create room for all my kittens to explore within my apartment because I don't like them going outside where I can't control what happens.
  7. Ivar

    What is your cat scared of?

    The reason why it's a myth to most people is because majority of kittens doesn't like getting wet. It's why the assumption have stood up for decades.
  8. Ivar

    Best punishment for cat abusers?

    They need to set a very good example with one of those cat abusers so that others will see it as a deterrent from doing the same thing. Unfortunately, the authorities haven't done anything like the case of Kurt Zouma.
  9. Ivar

    Dog trying to have sex with a cat!

    The real question is who or how they learnt to have sex with each other? This is what worries me so much in the whole thing. Could it be from watching things on TV?
  10. Ivar

    How to handle a traumatized cat?

    Patience is the key when it comes to dealing with cats that grew up on the streets and have been exposed to harsh treatments and conditions which makes them traumatized. Don't rush anything with them. Introduce things to them and show them care.
  11. Ivar

    Does your cats feel comfortable in halloween costume?

    It's the right thing to do. You can't be adding unnecessary stress to your cats when they don't need it. Cats love their space and time without too much worries. If wearing them costumes will add stress to it isn't nice.
  12. Ivar

    Does your cat tend to hunt?

    Exactly! They have to learn how to adapt in the wild. It's the survival of the fittest. They need to eat in order to be strong or they might even become prey too.
  13. Ivar

    Does your cats love warm or cold bath?

    It's always better to do something that's in the best interest for your cats. This is why choosing the right water temperature for their bath is very important. It will likely make it easier for them to take their bath.
  14. Ivar

    When is your cats birthday?

    It is definitely going to make it very easy for you to remember the birthday of your cats because you are going to be celebrating all of them on the same day. I know that you had a very fun celebration for them last September.
  15. Ivar

    Do you understand your cat’s body language?

    Exactly. It is the reason why I always pay a very good attention to whatever that is going on with my cats because that is going to help me to realize what I am supposed to pick up from their body language and attend to it as quickly as possible.
  16. Ivar

    Have you ever had a cat that rejected a kitten?

    Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about it because there is no way you're going to force the cat to accept a new kitten as its baby when it has already made up its mind not to embrace the new little kitten.
  17. Ivar

    Have you ever had a cat that rejected a kitten?

    It's always very heartbreaking when that happens with kittens and cats. You will be expecting them to mingle and get along but in the end, they end being estranged.
  18. Ivar

    A cat eating a snake alive 🤯!

    It would be very heartbreaking to see any cat die from eating snakes from being out in the cold and homeless. I hope they have some enzymes that will neutralise the snake's poison.
  19. Ivar

    Have your cat bitten you?

    Cats can be very playful too just the same way dogs play as well. My cat sometimes just put their mouth on my hand without really biting. She will be like hey, stay with me that way without going anywhere.
  20. Ivar

    What is your cat scared of?

    It's not actually all cats that hate water. It's one of the cat's myth out there which have been proven wrong over and over again. Yes, so many cats might not like water but some of them love it. A very good example is this orange cat in this video.