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  1. Toni

    Have you been stung by a bee?

    Bees don't attack unless they feel threatened. Have you accidentally bumped into a bee hive which resulted in being stung by one or more of them? How painful was the sting? Did you suffer any kind of reactions after getting stung?
  2. Toni

    My cat always gets upset when I leave the room?

    This have been going on for a long time for me to know for sure what's happening. Whenever I leave the room where my cats are staying, they seem to to be very upset. I've tried getting them plushies to keep them occupied when I leave the room but they prefer my presence. How do I fix this issue...
  3. Toni

    How does your cat feel when you change what they are watching on TV?

    My cats are addicted to watching TV especially when it's the animal discovery channels. You dare not change what they are watching or you're going to find yourself in a big fight. They will give you a very bad eyeing as a warning to put it back. How does your cat feel when you change what they...
  4. Toni

    What's the most awkward place your cat slept in?

    What's your experience with your cat and using their bed? There are some cat owners who knew they wasted money on getting a bed for their cats because they use them sleep in them. I was laughing so had the day I saw my cat sleeping in one of my cooking pot. What's the most awkward place your...
  5. Toni

    What kind of playing does your cat hate?

    When it comes to playing, my cats are very open to anything as long as they are going to have fun. But it's not always the same thing with my brother's cat. His cats doesn't like being pointed at. They will claw your finger if you point at them. What kind of playing does your cat hate?
  6. Toni

    Does your cats love warm or cold bath?

    Most cats doesn't like to have bath because they just hate getting wet. Although, I've seen some kittens that loves water and they even enjoy swimming too. What kind of bath does your cats prefer to have? Is it a warm or cold bath that they feel more comfortable having?
  7. Toni

    Do you travel light or heavy?

    How do you pack your luggages whenever you're about to travel? Do you pack up so much stuffs or you would only pick out a few things to travel with just one average sized bag? I don't like carrying anything whenever I'm travelling. I love being very free on any journey so that I can't be...
  8. Toni

    Do you know who had an organ transplant?

    I have always been freaked out whenever I hear that someone is going for an organ transplant. It can be for the liver, kidney, heart and so many more but the most common one is kidney. Over 80% of those whom I know that got kidney transplant all died afterwards. This makes me to question if...
  9. Toni

    Have your cats ever been spiteful?

    Cats can be very mean especially when they want to take a revenge on something that you did to them. This is where they will bring in their spiteful behaviour Enoch might even led them to bitting, clawing, hissing and ignoring you obviously. What have happened between you and your cats which...
  10. Toni

    What's the age did your cat stop chewing on everything?

    From my observation, it seems like there are cats which likes to chew on things more than others. It's not like they are having teething problems. It's just a habit for them. Anything which they come across, gets chewed on immediately and damaged. My cat was more than 3 years before she stopped...
  11. Toni

    Do you know how to swim?

    How good are you when it comes to swimming? Do you know how to swim very well? Let assume that you found yourself in the sea after your boat sunk, would you be able to swim yourself to the shore if it's not too far?
  12. Toni

    How often do your cats need to eat?

    Feeding well is very important for the health of your cats. Whenever my cats are not eating well, I never feel relaxed. The moment they start cutting down on how they feed, I will observe them for a few days. If it doesn't change, I'll take them to see the vet immediately. Are your cats feeding...
  13. Toni

    Have your cat suffered any constipation lately?

    I hate it whenever my cat start experiencing constipation. She always in pain and feeling exhausted. I don't know what went wrong with her last night after her meal portion. I noticed that she's was having constipation. I've tried making her feel better but it doesn't seem to be working. We are...
  14. Toni

    Cat keeps peeing in bed?

    My sister is having a very serious challenging moment with her cat at the moment. Her cat keeps peeing in bed at will. Whenever her cat is pressed, she just sits comfortable in bed and do her business. It's making my sister wash and change her bedsheets every day. She have already started...
  15. Toni

    Urinary Tract Infections in cats?

    I was reading up on some of the health issues cats pass through and I came across Urinary tract infections. It looks like something that's very dangerous for cats because it's going to make it very uncomfortable for them to pee. It might even affect their kidney and cause them to develop kidney...
  16. Toni

    Does your lifestyle affect your cat?

    Cats normally have a way of behaving based on the lifestyle of of their owners. It's how you treat and relate with your cats that they are most likely going to behave to. When you have an active lifestyle, your cats are most likely going to active and vice versa. What's the lifestyle you have...
  17. Toni

    Pets that have odour and smell?

    There are some pets that smell bad. Some exotic pets like Tamanduas, Red Foxes, Ferrets, Marmosets, Binturongs and so many more are known for having a notorious bad small. Have you had any of those pets that smell bad? What can you do to manage how bad they smell?
  18. Toni

    A very old cat

    It's always very good to see cats get old. It makes me very happy because living long is a thing to be very happy about. We get to spend more time with our cat before they did. As long as my cats don't fall sick all the time when they are aging, I would love my babies to get this old.
  19. Toni

    Have you taken care of a pregnant feral cat?

    The thing with most feral cats is that will always get pregnant every now and then because they have not been neutered which make they able to get pregnant. Have you seen any feral cat in your neighbourhood being pregnant? Do you take care of it in any way?
  20. Toni

    How many hours do your cats sleep daily?

    Do you think your cats are getting enough sleeping time every day? Normally, cats are supposed to sleep averagely 10 hours everyday. Does your cat get that amount of sleep hours everyday or they play too much to have time to sleep. One of my cats isn't getting 10 hours sleep every day. If it...