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  1. Kennysplash

    Do your cats often fight themselves?

    This topic is for those that have more than one cat. My next door neighbor often has to separate his cats due to the constant fight they have. Do you cats fight? How do you handle it?
  2. Kennysplash

    How to understand your cats needs?

    I always give Zoey food and clean her litter. But sometimes she will not eat but keep meowing and following me around. It’s hard to figure out what she wants and it confuses me. How do you understand your cat?
  3. Kennysplash

    Is your cat overly affectionate?

    Zoey just needs to be with me for some minutes, after that she goes her own way. Does anyone have cats that demands attention all the time? How do you handle it?
  4. Kennysplash

    Have you ever been attacked by your cat?

    I hear stories of how cats attack their owners, though it has never happened to me. These ones have scars due to the scratches torn their cats. If Zoey should ever show sign of this I will curb it as fast as possible. Have you ever been attacked by your cat?
  5. Kennysplash

    What’s that peculiar thing about your cat?

    Every cat has their peculiarities. When Zoey see that I have bought something new in the house she gets curious. She will stare at the item for minutes until she is satisfied. So when I make purchases I look forward to that reaction from her. What is peculiar about your cat?
  6. Kennysplash

    Do you know anyone that is scared of cats?

    Some people are actually scared of cats. My neighbor said that the way their eyes glow in the night scares her, so she had never been a fan of having one as pet. Do you know anyone that is scared of cats?
  7. Kennysplash

    Do your cats play well with their toys?

    I have gotten a few toys for Zoey, but I discovered she does not like to play much with them. She mostly play with them for a few days and gets bored of them easily. How do you get your cats to keep themselves busy with their toys?
  8. Kennysplash

    Do you know any good cat jokes?

    I know a few cat jokes that usually make me giggle: 1. What do you call a group of cats playing instruments? A mew-sical band! 2. What did the cat say when it was happy? "I'm feline great!" 3. Why did the cat go to the vet? To get its paws-cription filled. Do you know any good ones?
  9. Kennysplash

    100 cats who changed civilization.

    Recently I read a book titled “100 cats who changed civilization” by Sam Stalls. It is a fascinating and entertaining book that explores the significant impact cats have had on human history and culture. The book is divided into 100 short chapters, each dedicated to a specific cat that has made...
  10. Kennysplash

    Male or female cats: Which one do you prefer?

    Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to the gender of their cats. Some do not want the stress that comes with female cats, and they don’t really care for kittens. Others want kittens or a handful who cats, so they want the female breed. Which one do you prefer?
  11. Kennysplash

    How to handle an aggressive cat?

    This is a question I have seen many ask. There are many reasons why your cat is aggressive. It might be that they do not like their environment, they are not being fed enough food, among others. This aggressiveness can be seen in them clawing at everything, even their owners. How can these...
  12. Kennysplash

    How to handle a traumatized cat?

    Some cats grew up on the streets and have been exposed to harsh treatments and conditions. When these ones are adopted they can either retreat to themselves or be somewhat aggressive. How can can these cats be helped?
  13. Kennysplash

    What is your cat scared of?

    It is said that cats have nine lives, but that does not mean they don’t have something that scares them. I noticed that Zoey is scared of thunderstorms. She would even run off and hide when there is a heavy rainfall. It makes me chuckle. What is your cat scared of?
  14. Kennysplash

    Do you think cats imitate their owner's behaviors?

    This is a theory that I cannot debunk easily, because Zoey really copied me sometimes. One popular way she does this is by nodding her head vertically when a music is playing. Though it would not be that noticeable for someone that is not paying attention, but I have seen it many times. That is...
  15. Kennysplash

    What are basic essentials to buy for a cat?

    The food is constant of course. I know of the litter box and some toys that they can play with. Some people suggest a little door that they can use to come in and exit the house anytime, but that is counterproductive. If I want my cat to be well comfortable and have all it needs, what are...
  16. Kennysplash

    Do your cats try to follow you everywhere?

    When I visited a family friend I saw how their cat follows her around the house. She said the cat follows her virtually everywhere, kitchen, bed, bathroom etc. Do your cats do the same?
  17. Kennysplash

    How can I make my cat come out of his shell?

    A friend asked me this question yesterday. His cat is always disappearing from sight, does not want to be seen at all. It is worse if there are visitors. I can’t relate, because Zoey is not introverted. But I suggested that she puts the cat’s eating bowl in an open place, not in a corner...
  18. Kennysplash

    Does your cat seek your attention always?

    When it comes to attention, Zoey does not desire any form of physical contact. I see how other cats wants physical attention, but she does not care. Sometimes it gets to me, but I am mostly used to it. Do your cats seek your attention?
  19. Kennysplash

    Have you ever given a kitten away?

    Perhaps you feel like you have enough, so after you cat gave birth you thought of giving a couple of kittens away. But it is not that easy is it? Even though you don’t have much attachment to the kittens yet, it’s still a little hard given them away. How are you able to do it and how do you cope?
  20. Kennysplash

    Do you understand your cat’s body language?

    When your cats starting putting on some acts, do you understand what they need at that time. When Zoey is hungry, she starts clawing on furnitures and tables. I understand she needs food. Are there any peculiar acts you have noticed in your cat as well?