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  1. Sandex

    Does your cat get on with other cats in the neighborhood?

    As long as it's other cats, my lovely cats don't have any problems getting friendly with other cats in the neighbourhood. My female cat Chinhy made a male friend last month and the cat always comes over once in a while. All of my cats are friendly.
  2. Sandex

    Cat running away from home?

    This is worrying to hear and the poor cat might be in danger. If the cat get caught up with anti cat's people, it's going to be difficult for the cat not to be abused. I hope the authorities would be able to locate the cat on time to prevent chances of further harm to the cat.
  3. Sandex

    He's hungry that's why 😂. He's cute 😍.

    He's hungry that's why 😂. He's cute 😍.
  4. Sandex

    Have you seen your cat panting?

    Generally, panting isn't a cat's thing as it's more associated with dogs but that doesn't mean cats don't pant when something makes it possible for it to happen. I haven't seen any of my cats pant since I had them till we went for hiking the other day. After hiking for a while and it got hot...
  5. Sandex

    Wearing your cats paw boots?

    My cats don't get out of the house too often and they don't like paw boots. From my observations, it makes it difficult for them them to feel their paws 🐾. I tried once or twice to realize it and then stopped putting it on their paws.
  6. Sandex

    Egg yolk in their meals.

    I don't feed any of my cats human food for any reason whatsoever. It's not advisable as far as I can tell. Human foods used to cause a lot of digestive problems for cats as well as too treats too.
  7. Sandex

    Do you play video games?

    Playing video games is very entertaining and enjoyable. It's a good and healthy hobby as long as you'd not abuse how long you play every day. I'm playing Pokémon Legends: Arceus now and it's so cool. It's my favourite Pokémon game right now.
  8. Sandex

    Do you sleep with lights on or off?

    Thieves broke into our home in the dark of the night when I was still a kid. I was completely traumatized. Since then, I don't stay in any where that's dark and I sleep with all the room light on.
  9. Sandex

    Why are so many people anti-cats?

    What I understand is that people have their differences when it comes to pets and then tend not to be nice to the animal pets they don't like. It's why they get so toxic against cats generally.
  10. Sandex

    Dog trying to have sex with a cat!

    Both the dog and cat are weird. How can they want to get down to do that like seriously? There's nothing we won't see online every day. To be frank, this looks very disturbing. As their owner, I wouldn't be at ease leaving both of them alone at home again.
  11. Sandex

    Tips to prevent your cat from scratching your furniture

    I used to think I was the smart one but my cats showed me the otherwise with always finding a way to beat the barrier I set for them not to scratch my furniture. It's only the love I have for them that makes me to overlook it.
  12. Sandex

    What does your cat staring at you means for you?

    Your cats staring is a means of communication from the cat to whoever they are directing their stare to. Whenever your cat stares at you, what doesn't really signify for you? Some people would say it's a way for the cat to bound with the owner. Cats are believed to hardly hold eye contact with...
  13. Sandex

    Simba not urinating in the cat box?

    Some pets learn faster while some are very slow at learning to use their urinating can. Just put in more effort in making Simba learn how to use it and I'm sure it's not going to be too long for him to get used to it. Good luck with your cat education 😉.
  14. Sandex

    Have you owned a parrot?

    Parrots talk too much for my liking 😂. I'm not sure if I would have the patience to deal with owning them. I know they are exotic pets but I'm sure they are not for me. Those who can keep it are welcomed to do so on my behalf.
  15. Sandex

    Are you a morning person or a night owl?

    I'm a night person. I stay awake too late in the night because it's when I work more comfortably. This makes me to sleep more in the morning. I usually wake up around 10am and do some other stuffs.
  16. Sandex

    Best punishment for cat abusers?

    I'm still pissed at what happened with Kourt Zuma the West Ham player whom was seen in a video where he abused his cat by kicking the cat. He was just given fine to pay and to do community service. This happened right in England. It's just a slap on the head and he was left off too easily. He...
  17. Sandex

    Did you know chocolate is poisonous to cats?

    I hardly eat chocolate myself, so why would I be so keen to feed my cats the same thing I don't eat? Even if I eat chocolates, it's a complete no feeding it to my cats. My cats feed strictly on cat food. They are not even allowed to eat human food.
  18. Sandex

    Do you like to keep your cats indoors and make them house cats?

    My cats are mostly indoors. It's not that I don't allowed them to have outdoor time but not too often. This is because they usually come back inside with a lot of mess that makes me want to give them a bath and they really hate to bath.
  19. Sandex

    How often do you bath your cat?

    It's a general knowledge that cats hates to bath. They just hate having water touch them. If it's up to home cats, they would never bath in their lives. With having this in mind, coming from the heath side, it's not advisable to bath your cats too often. It's just like with dogs too. So, how...
  20. Sandex

    Does your cat have a favorite color?

    The only colour my cat doesn't feel comfortable being around is yellow. It probably looks like fire to him hence he avoids anything with yellow colour. I can remember when I change his blanket to yellow colour and he refused to get in bed with it.