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  1. Kennysplash

    My cat bullied another cat

    Animals also possess instincts that humans have. So I am not surprised about the bullying. But you never know, the other cat might have started it.
  2. Kennysplash

    Are your cats obsessed with food?

    I practically have to beg Zoey to even eat. The only thing she is obsessed with is rubbing her body on me. She is always composed when it comes to food.
  3. Kennysplash

    How long did it take your cat to recognize their name?

    Should I say about 4 days max. By the third day, even if she was not in sight if I call her name she will come fast. Cats generally need a longer time to know their names compared to the canines.
  4. Kennysplash

    Refusing to come out from the carton

    Your cat is giving you the attitude. What did you do wrong?
  5. Kennysplash

    Do you have a doorbell in your house?

    I live in a neighborhood that has lots of playful kids. The doorbell won’t even last a month. They will play with it because they just want to hear it make the sound. But they don’t care about knocker.
  6. Kennysplash

    Have you avoided soda for a while?

    I don’t know what I am supposed to replace it with. I don’t exactly take it often, but I cannot refrain from it totally.
  7. Kennysplash

    What's the age did your cat stop chewing on everything?

    The word destroy is really the right way to describe it. Whether they use this or teeth or their claws, be ready for catastrophe.
  8. Kennysplash

    Homeless cats.

    We need more people like you. They are not supposed to be without care, it’s heartbreaking. It’s good you make a difference.
  9. Kennysplash

    Do you dress up your cat for Halloween? Share your best costume ideas!

    Yeah the sort! I don’t even need to dress Zoey up before she sees the need to scratch me. It can happen anytime, I’m always prepared for it.
  10. Kennysplash


    You are welcome Prisca, it’s good to have you here. What is the name of your cat?
  11. Kennysplash

    Your cat in the kitchen?

    Gesture him out whenever it comes in. Some might need some prodding, but they will eventually understand that your kitchen is not their place.
  12. Kennysplash

    Does your cat get restless when they are hungry?

    That’s a cat with high energy. How many cats do you have?
  13. Kennysplash

    How often have you wished you had a camera?

    Yes, that means I always have to be at alert to capture worthy moments. If I got a camera for it that means I know what it entails. I can capture an amazing piece anytime.
  14. Kennysplash

    Would you attempt to take a feral cat in?

    I’m not taking the risk of taming a feral cat, nope. My skin is precious, can’t have it bruised by a cat I can’t control.
  15. Kennysplash

    Homeless cats.

    I feel sorry for cats that just roam about the streets. When I close from work, I used to see one every evening trying to find something to eat. So I put some cat food in my bag and feed it when I see it in sight. Do you see homeless cats often?
  16. Kennysplash

    Can you adopt a cat from the shelter?

    There are animal shelters where pets are put up for adoption. Cats are among the pets mostly put up for adoption, due to unforeseen circumstances. Have you ever thought of adopting a cat, to give it a home?
  17. Kennysplash

    How often have you wished you had a camera?

    I put on a song and Zoey moved her body in perfect rhythm to the beat. Though it was for like 3 seconds, it was something I wish I had captured. But I have it in my memory.
  18. Kennysplash

    Egg yolk in their meals.

    This is what you have been doing from the beginning, so you and the cat are used to it. Zoey eats human food since she was little, and she enjoys it. It has no adverse effects on her at all.
  19. Kennysplash

    Raw chicken hearts as snacks?

    I’ve never tried it before. But I know cats do love chicken parts, even raw. So they would definitely enjoy it. I give Zoey mostly cooked food though.
  20. Kennysplash

    Does your cat get along with other pets you have?

    I know right. There seems to be a sour relationship between the two animals, it’s beyond human understanding. I do see a few scenarios where they get along though, but it makes up a small percentage.