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  1. Kennysplash

    What are basic essentials to buy for a cat?

    The food is constant of course. I know of the litter box and some toys that they can play with. Some people suggest a little door that they can use to come in and exit the house anytime, but that is counterproductive. If I want my cat to be well comfortable and have all it needs, what are...
  2. Kennysplash

    Do your cats try to follow you everywhere?

    When I visited a family friend I saw how their cat follows her around the house. She said the cat follows her virtually everywhere, kitchen, bed, bathroom etc. Do your cats do the same?
  3. Kennysplash

    How many languages do you speak?

    I can speak too fluently, but if we are going to include newbie languages then it would be three. I am still in the learning phase for the third one.
  4. Kennysplash

    Do you travel light or heavy?

    I don’t travel heavy at all. If my travel has to last even a week, everything I need would fit in my backpack. Most guys are like this, it is women that travel heavily.
  5. Kennysplash

    What's your view on long distance relationship?

    At some point in their lives they have to go long distance, but it should be when the relationship is well grounded already. They should not start and immediately go long distance, it will put strain on the relationship.
  6. Kennysplash

    Do you like calling or chatting?

    Chatting is a lot of work compared with calling. I have to suspend everything I am doing to chat, but since I am always with my AirPods I can call hands free. Calling also takes less time compared to texting.
  7. Kennysplash

    How can I make my cat come out of his shell?

    A friend asked me this question yesterday. His cat is always disappearing from sight, does not want to be seen at all. It is worse if there are visitors. I can’t relate, because Zoey is not introverted. But I suggested that she puts the cat’s eating bowl in an open place, not in a corner...
  8. Kennysplash

    Does your cat seek your attention always?

    When it comes to attention, Zoey does not desire any form of physical contact. I see how other cats wants physical attention, but she does not care. Sometimes it gets to me, but I am mostly used to it. Do your cats seek your attention?
  9. Kennysplash

    Has your cat ever gone missing?

    The last point is a reason why many cats go missing. They see other cats and want to mingle with them, before you know it they are nowhere to be found. I have seen it happen once.
  10. Kennysplash

    Does your cat get restless when they are hungry?

    Yeah that was when I had not associated her mood to being hungry. Now I can understand it immediately. Besides I don’t even have to wait till she gets so hungry, I know when it’s time for her to eat.
  11. Kennysplash

    Are you someone who believes black cats are unlucky?

    Some people still live like they are uncivilized. Hundreds of years ago the belief might be popular in certain areas, but definitely not anymore today.
  12. Kennysplash

    Does your cat like your computer?

    Well how very lucky of you. At least you are sure there would be no funny business going on with your PC. Zoey is now my unwanted assistant, which causes more work for me.
  13. Kennysplash

    Have you ever given a kitten away?

    Perhaps you feel like you have enough, so after you cat gave birth you thought of giving a couple of kittens away. But it is not that easy is it? Even though you don’t have much attachment to the kittens yet, it’s still a little hard given them away. How are you able to do it and how do you cope?
  14. Kennysplash

    Olive says hi!

    Welcome to cats forum Olive. We hope you’ll enjoy it here. What is the name of your cat?
  15. Kennysplash

    Holla! Teegold is here

    Welcome Teegold! It’s so good to have you here. Well it’s a universally known fact that cats are adorable. Share your experiences with your cats with us in the sub forums. You can delight yourself with interesting posts from members as well. Hope you’ll enjoy it here.
  16. Kennysplash


    Welcome to cats forum! We hope you will enjoy it here. How many cats do you have?
  17. Kennysplash

    Do you understand your cat’s body language?

    When your cats starting putting on some acts, do you understand what they need at that time. When Zoey is hungry, she starts clawing on furnitures and tables. I understand she needs food. Are there any peculiar acts you have noticed in your cat as well?
  18. Kennysplash

    Is your cat obsessed with some things in your home?

    Zoey is always curious of my standing fan. Whenever the fan is rotating especially, it will sit in awe and follow the movement of the rotation with its head. I find it rather amusing. Is your cat ever obsessed with things in your house?
  19. Kennysplash

    Does your cat like your computer?

    Don’t they all? She would come and stand in between me and my laptop on the desk. She does not touch it though, except to knock over a few things on the desk. I think they are just curious about the light and whatever is on the screen that they don’t understand.
  20. Kennysplash

    Do you ever find that your cat would rather drink water outside than fresh water inside?

    Zoey won’t do so, ever. In fact it won’t eat food or drink water from a plate that is not hers. She is well trained in that aspect, that is why she rarely gets sick or weak. She’s clean too.