Recent content by Ivar

  1. Ivar

    Does your cat like sleeping with light on or off?

    My cats doesn't care whether the lights are on or off whenever they are feeling. They will sleep off irrespective of the light's situation at hand. They're not like me who needs the lights off before I can sleep.
  2. Ivar

    Do your cats often fight themselves?

    Even siblings in real life also fight from time to time when they are kids and also as adults. Imagine the same thing not happening with animals too? My cats fight and play all the time especially over their toys.
  3. Ivar

    Does your cat have a favorite toy?

    My cat's favourite toys are wand toys, catnip-filled toys, and interactive toys. They love the interactive toys so much because it makes them to always be chasing and pouncing in form of playing.
  4. Ivar

    Are you someone who likes to have cats but hates them on the bed?

    It is all up to your cats to decide whether they are going to leave your bed alone for you or invade it whenever they want. There is nothing you can do about it.
  5. Ivar

    My cat doesn't greet me anymore when I get home 🙄

    It is equally the same thing when you don't show much affection to your kids. They will most likely not have so much love for you irrespective of providing food and shelter for them.
  6. Ivar

    My cats hates to kill?

    She's a very good cat. Does she eat her prey after she killed them (rats and more) or she just disposes them or start playing with them? Do you give her some treats after killing those rats?
  7. Ivar

    My cats hates to kill?

    I will start calling your cat Zoey the John Wick 😂 😂. The only reason why my cats will kill a rat is when they are hungry and I do my best not to keep them hungry for a long time.
  8. Ivar

    Do you know anyone that is scared of cats?

    There are so many people online who are very vocal about not liking cats or wanting to have anything to do with them. It shows that they are very afraid of those cats.
  9. Ivar

    Cats and mosquitoes

    Keeping your environment clean is one of the ways that you can stop mosquitoes from being anyway near home and make it impossible for your cats to be attacked by them. None of my cats has to suffer any mosquitoes.
  10. Ivar

    Does your cat get car sick?

    The probably do but I'm not sure because I'm not the one who normally takes them to their vet. I call their vet and he comes to pick them up and take them to his office.
  11. Ivar

    Are you someone who believes black cats are unlucky?

    You are absolutely correct by your assessment. From my experience, it is only black people that are I have known to refer black cat at being witches and wizards.
  12. Ivar

    Does your cat join you in watching TV?

    My cats decides when they want to watch the TV with me and when they don't want to. I don't have any reason to force them to watch TV with me if they are not ready to do so.
  13. Ivar

    Have you ever given a kitten away?

    Before I stopped my cat from having babies, she had five kittens last and I had to give away three of them and kept two of them. It was the last time I ever gave away kittens.
  14. Ivar

    My cat doesn't greet me anymore when I get home 🙄

    I read in another comment where you don't show your cats enough love and I think it is something that is affecting how they are behaving towards you. You said something about not bothering if they eat when you give it to them and leave them. It's not how to show them love.
  15. Ivar

    Do your cats play well with their toys?

    Yeah, it was the only way I know to give them a chance at being happy and not lonely or bored when I'm not home. They enjoy watching TV too but I can't leave the TV on for them when I'm not home.