Why does my cat keep meowing at night?


Active member
Mar 19, 2023
I know that meowing is a way cats communicate with their owners. It's probably when they need attention or hungry or want you to pet them. I do my best to take very good care of my cats by providing them with the best food, toys to play, comfortable home, bed, litter tray etc. But one of my cats always keep meowing in the night around 2am.

What else do I need to do in order to stop this from happening?
Have you checked how comfortable they feel each time that they sleep? That could be one of the reasons your cat is meowing at night when it should be sleeping.
I found with my cat, she never used to do this when she was younger but as she got older and if I had gone to bed and everyone else was in bed, she would start doing things such as meowing really loudly on a night.

I found out she was doing it because she didn't know where I had gone even though she knew she would probably find me in my bedroom at that time of night.

When they do it, do you go and call them? If you do, what do they tend to do?
Does your cat usually sleep in your bed, then after you take him to his own bed? If that's the case, he's probably scared whenever he wakes up around 2AM looking for you. Try and have him in your bed all throughout the night and know if it repeats.
It's either something is disturbing your cat which makes it not sleeping when others are or the cat is just a night clawer. I would find a way to make my cat sleep at night when others are in bed so that we will all rest in peace.
It can be hunger, fear or also to stay with you. That's the major importance of observing your cat and know what they want at any specific time. Whenever my cat meow at night, I know she wants to sleep on the same bed with me.
It could be anything but I think it's most likely going to be as a result of anxiety. It happens to human beings too whenever they are deeply afraid and scared. They cry at night in their room.
It could be anything but I think it's most likely going to be as a result of anxiety. It happens to human beings too whenever they are deeply afraid and scared. They cry at night in their room.
Anxiety you said? What exactly could make a cat be anxious? 🤔 Maybe it is thinking about where to get food the following day?
Anxiety you said? What exactly could make a cat be anxious? 🤔 Maybe it is thinking about where to get food the following day?
😂😂 Where to get food for the wife or children right? Or does it need money to build a gigantic house for the relatives?