How high is your IQ?

Ja sa bong

Active member
Apr 28, 2023
I have never checked how high is my IQ. I know there's a way to go for the test but I haven't bothered to know because I'm not sure how it's going to benefit me knowing. For those who see it as something which is worth knowing, how high does your IQ rank?
Unfortunately, I haven't taken any IQ test in my life. I never did as a kid nor have I done it as an adult. There's nothing I'm doing which will need me to take an IQ test.
It has been a long time since I did any kind of IQ test. I remember I used to see IQ tests all over the internet years ago and being curious, I would take them to see what my result was.

Does anyone know any good sites to take an IQ test?
It has been a long time since I did any kind of IQ test. I remember I used to see IQ tests all over the internet years ago and being curious, I would take them to see what my result was.

Does anyone know any good sites to take an IQ test?

There are so many good and credible websites online that you can use to take an IQ test. Some of them which I am very familiar with are the following;

I am an intelligent person. I know how I can be able to manage different situations without feeling under any pressure. I believe that is an act of high IQ.
I won't boast of something I am not quite sure of. All the time, people have made comments of me having high IQ due to eat I answered questions or get solutions to issues but I haven't check my IQ before.
Unfortunately, I've never taken an IQ test in my life, so I don't really know exactly what mine is. But what I'm very sure of is that I am quite intelligent and smart enough to know the things and do the things I'm supposed to do.
There are so many good and credible websites online that you can use to take an IQ test. Some of them which I am very familiar with are the following;

I tried no. 1 and 2 and I was amazed that I got almost 120 out of the 130 questions asked. Though I'm not too proud that I didn't get all but I have seen that my 1Q is amazing.