Has your cat ever been fascinated by the washing machine?


Active member
Mar 20, 2023
Something I have seen online in videos is how some cats seem to be fascinated by the washing machine.

Of all the cats we have owned ourselves, non of them that I have noticed seem to have had any interest in the washing machine when it was running at all.

Have you ever had a cat that was fascinated by the washing machine?
My cats are always fascinated by anything that moves constantly. Things like washing machine, and my fans captures and hold their attention like they are hypnotised. Cats can be very funny how they behave to some things.
The noise my washing machine usually makes it something my cats are not comfortable with and that is the reason why none of them goes anywhere near the washing machine wherever I am using it to wash my clothes. They simply hate the washing machine.
Unfortunately, I haven't got any washing machine at home. I wouldn't know how my cats would behave with them in the house. Although, they normally get mesmerised by the ceiling fan whenever it is rotating.
My cats doesn't care about the washing machine in my house. It's just another one of those properties they jump on and sit sometimes. Although, when it's on, they don't go anywhere near it.
I'm not the one doing my laundry, it is going to be very difficult for me to know if my cat are fascinated by the washing machine but I will simply have to ask my sister who is doing it to know their reaction whenever she is washing my clothes with the washing machine