I don't used to think dogs will have issues with cats until it happened with one of my neighbor's cat. It was an ugly site to behold. Since then, I began being careful with things like this.
This is another angle to look at it. One can't really take that it is a must that they are going to learn within a time range. However, when you consider the efforts that are involved, you will achieve more when you invest more time.
You are right. I was ready physically and mentally to take care of my cats when I had them. I was excited and happy and they had a good beginning from the word go!
The point here is that it is not always about the comparison, but what I feel about some situations that I have experienced with different animals. I will always want to rate cat as a better one considering my experience so far.
It may definitely be a mental challenge that needs a sort of quick intervention from the owner. There have been cases of cats that were bullied getting aggressive at the slightest chance.
This is another point to it. A lot of kittens need a home and letting your cat breed new ones will mean being inconsiderate to those ones that need a home. It is better to have those other ones being adopted than going through the stress of letting your cat get pregnant.
Oh well! It is going to take a whole lot of time before I can come to terms with not drinking Pepsi. I like it and even when I don't take it often, I prefer using it to enjoy the fries 🍟
The fear is gone and the cats can now react to the situation 😂😂. My cats don't joke with chasing mouse in my house. Infact, it has become a routine for them.
It's been a while since I went to the cinema. Maybe I should plan on having that experience soon and see how it will look like. That's another point to make here.
Maybe I am the only one that thinks that 3 working days is too much for me to wait. Something happening under 24 hours is great and that is what we should encourage as well.
There are people that derive joy from arguing online. This is what gives them joy. I am still wondering how a lot of people will get to the point of arguing unnecessarily on the internet.
It's a sad situation to read that some black cats get killed because of this situation. It is very bad and not something that I will support for any reason.
You wouldn't blame those that have this wrong orientation about black cats as it is what they have been made to believe. I hope they find out the truth that black cats are cute before it is too late for them.
My cats sleep for close to 12 hours on a daily basis and I have nothing to worry about. The problem is thinking that your cats should have more sleep instead.