How many hours do your cats sleep daily?


Active member
Mar 19, 2023
Do you think your cats are getting enough sleeping time every day? Normally, cats are supposed to sleep averagely 10 hours everyday. Does your cat get that amount of sleep hours everyday or they play too much to have time to sleep. One of my cats isn't getting 10 hours sleep every day. If it doesn't change soon, we are going to see the vet.
I have not checked their sleeping pattern recently, but I have had no need to worry since they are always active and doing fine for themselves too. My cats have medical check-ups monthly and have always passed some of the checks.
I have not checked their sleeping pattern recently, but I have had no need to worry since they are always active and doing fine for themselves too. My cats have medical check-ups monthly and have always passed some of the checks.
If your cats are very active, it means they are in good health. They must sleep well enough to have the energy to run around and play all day. I hate seeing any of my cats being dull. It means they are not feeling okay or need more rest.
My cats sleeps around 11 hours or more every day. It's enough from my observations and if they need more sleep, they can get it because I always make sure they have every kind of comfort needed to make feel good all the time.
When we had our cat, it would vary on how much she would sleep each day. On the days when she was feeling under the weather or even just more tired than normal, she would sleep for a long time, I would always check on her when she did this to make sure she was okay.

On other days she would sleep for a few hours, get up and do things such as head outside, eat and use her litter tray and then sleep a little again after that.

She always slept through the night though.
About three of my cat usually sleep for 3 to 5 hours during the day after they must have played a lot and they needed to rest. I think they are getting enough sleep that way by getting up to three to five hours sleep during the day. Whenever it is night time, they always sleep throughout the night till morning.
My cats sleep between 12 to 16 hours every day which is a very good duration for sleep. I had to speak with their veterinary doctor in order to make sure that it is a very good duration they are sleeping every day and he told me that it is perfect.
If I'm calculating it right, I think it's between 10 hours to 12 hours that my cats usually sleep everyday. Their behavior and liveliness is normal, so I think they are sleeping very well the way that they are supposed to.
I don't have any time stipulated or map out for my cat to be sleeping. She is not doing anything for me so ever free to sleep all she wants. I never worried her about her sleeping habits when she was alive.
I can’t place a certain figure, but I will say about 8 hours daily. Zoey is not active in the night, always sleeping so that is about right.
Uhmm, I actually don't calculate my cats time of sleep. I mean is that really necessary? But I reckon they get enough sleep for the day.
Uhmm, I actually don't calculate my cats time of sleep. I mean is that really necessary? But I reckon they get enough sleep for the day.
Yes, it's necessary. Why it's necessary is to know if they are getting enough sleep and not sick. Even mothers are asked to know how many hours their kids used to sleep.
My cats sleeps almost the same number of hours I sleep at night. It's during the day they sleep at least for an extra 3 or 4 hours, making it about 14 hours.
My cats sleep at least 11 hours every day if I'm not mistaken. They look very healthy which is why I know they are getting enough sleep they need to be fit and active.