Recent content by Shortie

  1. Shortie

    What kind of brush for a cat that hates to be brushed?

    What kind of brush do you use on him? Is it a soft brush or more of a hard brush? I have found in the past that using a harder brush can sometimes cause discomfort and a softer brush may be better.
  2. Shortie

    Urinary Tract Infections in cats?

    Smokey in 2019 ended up with a urinary tract infection and it did worry us as she became very unwell with it. Luckily we caught it early and she made a full recovery. We worked out that it was due to stress after a cat in the neighbourhood came into the house.
  3. Shortie

    Cat keeps peeing in bed?

    I am sorry to hear your sister is going through this. It is never easy when your cat starts something like this and you can not find a way to prevent or stop it. Has your sister's cat been checked by a vet to ensure that there are no underlying health issues? This could be the route to take...
  4. Shortie

    My cat bites her brush

    This sounds like either discomfort or that they just do not like being brushed. I would try being a little more gentle and taking it slower until they feel a little better about it or until you are sure that they are happy with it. I know some cats just do not like being groomed and nothing...
  5. Shortie

    Refusing to come out from the carton

    It sounds like your cat may have been spooked by something and their way of reacting is to hide away and only come out for food. Has there been any work going on around where you live? Any events that may have been loud that may have scared your cat?
  6. Shortie

    When your cat refuses being brushed or spray with cat flea spray?

    My cat used to do this, she would hate it when we had to put any kind of flea treatment on her and would try and run. We found that holding her as tight as possible without hurting her helped us to get the treatment on her and then we would reward her with treats. It got better over time...
  7. Shortie

    Have you ever made your own cat bed?

    Whilst this may be the case, I have known people to make beds which are also a shelter for cats not only for their cats but also for stray cats as well. This is where making your cat bed could be a good idea and cheaper in the long run especially if you do not just make them for your cats.
  8. Shortie

    Do you always rehome rescue cats?

    Unfortunately, I feel a lot of it is due to those who have cats refusing to get them spayed or neutered and we end up with a lot of kittens running around. We have someone who lives just down the road who has so many cats and we always see them running around but it seems that they do not do...
  9. Shortie

    Do you have a backpack for your cat?

    This is understandable. I have never taken a cat I have had out at all but I do know that people do it. I would always be wary about them being stepped on or knocked into and taking them in a backpack would make more sense to me.
  10. Shortie

    Pets that have odour and smell?

    I can't say that I have never had a pet that smells bad by nature but we did have a pet hamster once who was getting old and not looking after herself as well as she should have been she did start smelling and we did what we could to help her stay clean until she passed.
  11. Shortie

    Is your cat a bird catcher?

    That is awesome that you have a camera that can record what they are doing when you are not around :) I never thought to do that when Smokey was with us but I feel it would have been interesting to see what she did when she was the only one in the house.
  12. Shortie

    My cat fighting his own tail 😂

    It is always awesome to see cats doing this :) it's like they get in a playful mood and their tail catches their eye and they attack it and chase it! I remember my late cat, Smokey who is no longer with us, she used to do this and there was one occasion when she bit her tail and yelped. I felt...
  13. Shortie

    What weed/grass is this?

    At first glance, I wanted to say it's a dock leaf but after further checking on Google, it seems that it is not a dock leaf. I would take it to your vet to take a look though!
  14. Shortie

    How often do you brush your cat's teeth?

    I will be honest and say that I have never brushed any of my cat's teeth in the past. The vet reassured me and also my mum who has pet cats that they tend to clean their teeth using their food or treats which has something in it to help with keeping the teeth clean and dental hygiene. We were...
  15. Shortie

    How often does your kitty go to the litter box?

    I don't have kittens at the moment but I remember when our late cat, Smokey was a kitten, she would use the litter box quite frequently and it was a lot of work to help her until she got the hang of doing it herself.