Recent content by Henrywrites

  1. Henrywrites

    Have you avoided soda for a while?

    Since you know that it is not good, why not find out ways to stop taking it? I mean it is something that is very important to do for your health and to avoid having any health complications.
  2. Henrywrites

    What's your view on long distance relationship?

    Even when they are not cheating, they will never be happy in that kind of relationship. I don't even see the need to be in a long distance relationship unless the parties involved make an effort to always meet once or twice a month.
  3. Henrywrites

    Have you ever lost a cat due to a vehicle?

    This is one of the experiences that I won't want to have at all. I mean, I am going to feel heartbroken should I read about my cat being hit by a car by accident.
  4. Henrywrites

    Have your cat suddenly gone blind?

    Could this be as a result of infection or something? I have never been in a situation where my cat went blind and it can be a terrifying situation. If it is an infection, the medical vet doctor should be able to handle it.
  5. Henrywrites

    Have your cat suffered any constipation lately?

    I hope you took the cat to the vet shop? How did it go? Constipation is not something to joke with when it is happening to your cat as it can lead to the death of the cat as well.
  6. Henrywrites

    Do your cat's purr when they sleep?

    It is natural for cats to purr when they are tired and sleeping. It is not so much that you are going to worry about. Do you understand?
  7. Henrywrites

    Do you celebrate your cat's birthday?

    We are in the same shoes. I don't miss my cats birthdays. I want them to have the best celebration and finding out early and making plans to celebrate it always fill my heart with joy.
  8. Henrywrites

    Do you know how to cook?

    You are lucky that you've got someone that likes to cook. I mean, it makes the whole situation easier for you to handle. It is worse when your partner is also someone who doesn't cook.
  9. Henrywrites

    Do you play mobile games?

    Most players who has consoles will rather play on it instead of playing mobile games. Why is it like that?
  10. Henrywrites

    Do you know who had an organ transplant?

    Unfortunately, most of the people who I've seen gone for this transplant on the internet ended up not surviving. It is never easy whenever it gets to that point.
  11. Henrywrites

    Fear to overcome before you die?

    You should not be scared about this particular situation. Going bald is never a death sentence and it is simply something that one should accept wholeheartedly, if it is to come.
  12. Henrywrites

    How many languages do you speak?

    I speak more than one language, and they are English, a bit of Spanish, and my native language. It has been a good experience interacting with others in English and other languages.
  13. Henrywrites

    What's your favorite football club?

    Manchester United has been slacking for many years now. I don't even know what the issue is, and I wonder how the new part owners will help to remedy the situation at this point.
  14. Henrywrites

    Do you like eating vegetables?

    It is all about preferences. What I always say is that not everyone will like vegetables and that there are situations where you will miss out on a meal because it contains vegetables.
  15. Henrywrites

    When did you start using Facebook?

    I started using Facebook in 2014, and that was when I was in high school. I have made a couple of friends on Facebook since I joined, but I don't log in recently.