A cat that loves a massage

Well, who doesn't love a good massage after a stressful day? Even the cats won't mind! I don't give my cats a massage, but they do like it when I rub their body.
Was that a helicopter blade I heard when the tail was being massaged 😂 😂... This is so hilarious. The cat definitely enjoyed the massage very well.
I used to think it's only human beings that loves massage but I was proven wrong after I found out that cats also love it. It looks like this cat in this video is the coolest cat ever.

That's an intelligent cat right there. It is not every cat that would want a massage, but it is good to have cats enjoy it as it is good for the muscles.
This one is quite hilarious. If my mother saw that, she's going to say it's a human being that reincarnated back as a cat because what the hell is that 😂
Oh they love it a lot! Whenever Zoey sits next to me the next thing she expects is me stroking her body.