Search results

  1. Nebulous

    Best SNL skit

    What's your favorite Saturday Night Live skit of all time?
  2. Nebulous

    USA - 50 countries

    If the fifty states were fifty countries, which two would be first to go to war?
  3. Nebulous

    Owned or rented apartment?

    Lived in apartments, duplexes, now I own a house.
  4. Nebulous

    safe place on your body to keep money?

    When you are walking around a big city or sketchy area, where on your body is a safe place to keep money? Is it safe in a purse? Your back pocket?
  5. Nebulous

    Fear to overcome before you die?

    Is there a fear that you want to overcome before you die? If so, what is it? How will you overcome it?
  6. Nebulous

    Nebulous dropping in!

    Hi everyone! Just wanted to pop in and check this place out. Glad to be here. Looking forward to chatting with everyone around the forum.