Do your cats play well with their toys?


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Jun 22, 2024
I have gotten a few toys for Zoey, but I discovered she does not like to play much with them. She mostly play with them for a few days and gets bored of them easily.

How do you get your cats to keep themselves busy with their toys?
I don't know how you can get your cat Zoey to become attached to her toys because I don't live with her to know what her personality and temperament is like. It's what you need to look into when buying her any toys.
I will drop the toys where she will see them especially when I am busy. If I didn't need her disturbance, I will put her in the room with those toys and I am glad she likes to play with them.
My kittens are very playful. There's only one thing which can stop them from playing and it's food. When they are playing with their chewy toys, nothing comes between them.
My cats would much rather play with each other than with toys, so I get where you are coming from. I had to give out most of the toys I got for them because they don't play with them.
I will drop the toys where she will see them especially when I am busy. If I didn't need her disturbance, I will put her in the room with those toys and I am glad she likes to play with them.

Having a cat that likes playing with toys is a great feeling. It is definitely one of the ways that they get to relax and have a good time each time that they are bored.
My cats have more than enough toys to play with. They are playful little fur babies that I love so much. I'm thinking of getting them new set of toys again.
Having a cat that likes playing with toys is a great feeling. It is definitely one of the ways that they get to relax and have a good time each time that they are bored.
I got a fish toy for my cat. She thought at first that it's something that she can eat but got disappointed that it's a rubber 🤣
Since then, she will carry it in her mouth and run around.
Yeah one of them particularly finds balls amusing. It will play with any ball for a lengthy period of time. Too bad there there's no cat football tournament, he would have been the Lionel Messi of felines 🤣
Since I'm not always at home to play with my cats whenever they are in the mood to play, they have no other option but to get used to playing with their toys when I'm out. They love playing with their toys.
Since I'm not always at home to play with my cats whenever they are in the mood to play, they have no other option but to get used to playing with their toys when I'm out. They love playing with their toys.
It is good that you bought toys for them to play with at your absence. At least if you do not have enough time to play with them they have toys to play with.
It is good that you bought toys for them to play with at your absence. At least if you do not have enough time to play with them they have toys to play with.

Yeah, it was the only way I know to give them a chance at being happy and not lonely or bored when I'm not home. They enjoy watching TV too but I can't leave the TV on for them when I'm not home.
Well leaving the TV for them when you are not home is not good idea. I have to put off my power supply when I leave house to save my units.
Yeah, it was the only way I know to give them a chance at being happy and not lonely or bored when I'm not home. They enjoy watching TV too but I can't leave the TV on for them when I'm not home.